Hungry Wolf - Aidy Award Page 0,31

body glistened and she breathed hard, her eyes bright with a new glow sparkling just for him. She was the most beautiful thing he'd ever known in his life. He swooped her up into his arms and turned toward the entry to the kitchen intent on taking her to bed.

“Wait. grab the pie. If we're doing more of that, we're going to get hungry.”

He swung around so Helena could snag the pie. “Get the whipped cream too.”

“Oh, I'm going to cover you from head to toe, and lick every inch.” She gave the nozzle a little squirt and licked the cream right off the tip.

“That sounds like an excellent plan. But I get to go first.” He gave the top of the can of whipped cream a flick of his own tongue.

Helena snatched it away. “No way, it's not your turn and I'm in recovery after that orgasmpalooza you just laid on me.”

“Palooza? Yes. I like that. We'll have all the orgasmpaloozas tonight, again tomorrow, and at least for three more days after that. Then I'll need to go back to guarding you.”

“You're hilarious.” She said that deadpan and with so much sarcasm he could taste it in the air.

Later he would explain the danger from the lone wolf, and how it was his duty to protect her from now on. He stepped through the doorway of Helena's bedroom and laid her out on the plush bed covered in a thick faux fur blanket with extra furry pillows. She set the pie on the nightstand but kept the squirty whipped cream close at hand.

Aleksei's list of discussion topics was growing and not having her know the important information about his world as it pertained to her role in his life and her safety made his skin itch. Particularly in the groin area.

Or maybe that was the remains of the condom still dangling from his cock.

“I am? I thought I was rather sexy.” He waggled his eyebrows at her.

Helena giggled, which was adorable. He'd never seen her do that before. She was sensual and serious, but she hadn't laughed like this, so free and herself.

“You are definitely sexy. But I've never had so much fun with anyone like I am with you.” She reached up and ran her thumb across his bottom lip. Aleksei sucked it into his mouth and swirled his tongue around and around the same as he'd done to her clit. Her eyes sparkled and grew darker with each pass.

“There's more condoms in the nightstand, and some toys, if you're up for it.” She pointed to the drawer with her can.

Toys. Was he up for it? Was. He. Up. For. It? His cock definitely was. He was already feverishly imagining what she did here in her fur-covered bed with those toys. “Lemme just get rid of the remnants of this piece of shit broken condom.”

Helena's eyes dropped to where his hand was ripping the stupid little bits of latex crap off his dick. “It broke? Is that why you went down on me?”

He tossed the remains into the tiny trash can next to the nightstand. “No. I've wanted to do that since the day we first met, and I want to do it again right now. You're fucking delicious.”

She rolled her eyes like she didn't believe him. He'd show her exactly how much he meant that. “Just tell me you’re clean.”

If she wanted him to wear a condom, he would. If she wanted him to wear a one-eyed one-horned flying purple people eater while he fucked her, he would. But she didn't need to worry about diseases. “If that's what you're worried about, then let me reassure you. Wolf shifters don't get human diseases. We don't get sick, not the in the ways you do. I swear you're safe with me.”

“Wait, what? For real? Not sick in anyway? Like you haven't ever had the flu or the chicken pox or anything?”

“I swear it. Although I have no idea why a chicken would put a pox on you. What did you ever do to the chicken?” Humans were weird. He'd grown up on the fringes of their world, and until Niko and Selena had started their revolution to allow wolves to choose their own mates, their fated mates, he'd stuck to socializing mostly with his own kind.

He'd had one human girlfriend before, but she was nothing like his Helena.


She was his through and through and he would never let her go.

She laughed again and threw her hands up in Copyright 2016 - 2024