Hungry Wolf - Aidy Award Page 0,28

you I'm losing my damn mind.”

Thank God she had a freaking sturdy wooden table.

She wrapped her legs around the back of Aleksei's thighs and ground against him making both hers and his eyes roll back in their heads. “We can go back to foreplay and pieplay later, I want you now. Grab a condom, they're in the silverware drawer.”

“I will if you really want me to, but we don't need it.”

Sigh. All guys thought that. Then they put one on if they wanted to be with her. “We do. I'm keeping us both safe.”

She expected more of a fight with him about it, but he slid off the table, taking her with him. She loved that he couldn't bear to let her go, and she wrapped her legs tighter around his hips. He pressed her against the counter and yanked every drawer within reach open. “Why in the world do you have condoms in your kitchen?”

“For emergency kitchen sex.” Sort of. In the last few years, those condoms had been wishful thinking. They'd ended up in the drawer during a tidying binge she'd gone on after one too many episodes of Marie Kondo's show on Netflix.

“Got 'em.” He dumped the entire contents on the counter and plucked one from the pile. She watched him go for his mouth like he was going to rip it open with his teeth and snatched it from him. Wouldn't do to have the thing rip before he even got it on.

She carefully opened the wrapper and handed him the condom. Nothing hotter than watching a guy roll on protection. Sounded funny, but because it was important to her, she was turned on when a guy did it, especially without question. Plus, the anticipation of being with him was that much closer.

He looked at the condom, looked down at his erection and his eyebrows went up. Helena almost giggled, but thought better of it. No man wanted his cock laughed at. “Sorry, didn't know I'd need the XXL size.”

Aleksei let out a quick chuckle and then began to roll the teeny tiny bit of latex. He got it maybe a fourth of the way on and it split right down the middle. “Shit. Gimme another one.”

Helena grabbed another, but this one didn't fare much better. It went flying over her shoulder and splatted against the backsplash. “Fuck. Let me try again.”

Uh. Why did she have the distinct feeling he'd never done this before? “Allow me, sugar.”

No way she believed he was a virgin. Nope, not a chance. There were men out there who'd never worn a condom before, but would he so readily agree if he had that big of a problem wearing them? No. It simply had to be because these ones were smaller than what he'd usually buy for himself. She didn't want him feeling self-conscious about any of this, so she'd make this act a bit of foreplay.

She gently dragged her nails from the base of his cock to the tip, teasing him with her touch, giving a hint of what could be pain if she pressed a smidgen more. His dick grew incredibly harder and larger under her touch and she licked her lips. Oh, how she wanted to taste him.

Which gave her a great idea. Helena gave him a shove back and dropped off the counter and onto her knees.

“Helena, baby, our fun and games are going to be over if your mouth comes anywhere near my cock.”

She'd love to really see him lose control like that. But she'd save that bit of fun for later. She looked up at him and winked. “Then we'll just cover each other in pie and spend the rest of the night eating.”

Just one taste of him, then she'd roll the condom on, with her mouth. A party trick she'd learned in college. She licked the drop of pre-cum forming on the tip of his cock and swirled her tongue around the head. Aleksei groaned and grabbed the edge of the counter.

“Fuck. You're going to kill me.”

In all the best ways.

She really wanted to take all of him in her mouth, hear him groan and growl some more and make him come for her. But she also wanted him deep inside of her making her growl and groan. She popped the condom between her lips and rolled the first inch on.

The countertop behind her head creaked and cracked under Aleksei's hands. “Goddess above, your mouth is so good. Give me more, lisichka.”

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