Hungry Wolf - Aidy Award Page 0,21

crap. Now she couldn't think of anything else.

Helena spun around so the schmoe couldn't see her face, because she certainly didn't want him to think she was having carnal thoughts about his junkie-junk. She started in on her basic lap dance moves, strutting up the chair, doing a twirl and positioned herself with her ass in his face. She gave a twerk, a little shimmy and slide, but her head was not in the game.

Until she looked up and saw Aleksei staring right at her.

The guitar riffs that marked the beginning of her favorite song to dance to filtered through the club. Oh, yes. She was ready to pour some sugar on him. In the name of love.

She locked eyes with Aleksei and all thoughts of Earl were gone from her mind. Every bump and grind she did now, was for one man alone. Aleksei Troika.

Fuck, she was in so much trouble.

You Ain’t Nothing but a Horndog

The gold short shorts Helena wore were driving him crazy, but watching her plump ass rubbing across this dickhead's crotch had him seeing red. Those damn chains dangling across the front of the barely-there leather top she had on were hypnotic and it was the only thing keeping him from going full-on wolf right here in the middle of the Naughty Wolf.

He'd like to wrap those delicate links around his hand and yank them right off. They were drawing way too much attention to her tits which were already about to fall out. Nobody but him should get to see her nipples, dammit.

Except if he did anything to interfere with her dancing, not only would she chop off his balls, she wouldn't be able to do her job. And she was damn good at her job.

He gritted his teeth and narrowed his eyes to glare at the schmoe so he knew not to even think about laying a hand on Helena again. If Aleksei had to follow her around the club all night and watch each and every one of her lap dances, well, that was a sacrifice he was willing to make. Yes. A terrible, terrible sacrifice.

He'd happily scare the patrons into tipping her well, too. His wolf growled inside, wanting to pick her up and take her away. It was not on board for watching her grind and twerk all night. The only thing the wolf wanted was to mark her, claim her, make her his mate. Right the fuck now.

The man knew he couldn't.

The man had to watch her turn another guy on, get him hard, whisper sweet nothings into his ear.

The man had to– Grr. She spun around and let the dickhead get a full view of her chest while twerking her ass right at Aleksei. His eyebrows snapped together, and he had to grind his teeth as she shoved her tits in this guy’s face.

Helena danced around the chair and then put her hands on the dickhead's legs and shimmied her ass back and forth, back and forth over the guy's lap. She moaned low and her eyes fluttered shut. Was she getting turned on?

Dickhead looked up at the ceiling and groaned. “Fuck yeah, sweet cheeks. That's the way to earn your tips.”

Her lids slowly re-opened and her pupils were shot with lust. But it wasn't for the asshole. Her gaze was directed straight at Aleksei. She parted her lips and licked them, so slow, until they glistened.

Dammit. She was teasing him on purpose. It wasn't like he wasn't already hard for her. It was killing him to stand here and watch her. He'd already been told off once for interfering with her job. Now she was playing with fire.

He glared at her and crossed his arms to keep from reaching for her and pulling her off the asshole's lap. His wolf pushed at her mind, even though they didn't have that connection. Yet. Aleksei mouthed the words his beast couldn't communicate. “End this. Now.”

Her eyebrows shot up, but she wasn't surprised even a little because she grinned too. She kept dancing and whispered back, “Make me.”

Oh, it was on. He was going to make her do a lot of things. After he spanked her ass. “Later.”

His wolf wriggled in delight at these flirtations. Aleksei went from cranky to even more turned on. She was initiating a hunt, wanted him to chase her. There was very little he and his beast enjoyed more than a good chase.

He was going to chase her, and when he caught his mate they Copyright 2016 - 2024