Hungry Wolf - Aidy Award Page 0,10

the gut. His stomach literally physically hurt. This was going to be a hell of a lot harder than he thought.

Once they were out into the early evening air, he dropped her hand, and yet again felt like an ass. No wolf should treat his mate the way he was treating Helena. Better that both she and his damn wolf learned now that there would be no mating.

“Crap. My keys are in the office. Will it look too weird if I pop back in there to get them?” She glanced back at the door.

“No. You gotta have your keys and stuff. But let's make it look good. Come here.” Aleksei held his hand out to her, even though he shouldn't ever freaking touch her again.

She took it before he could change his mind. In a blink she was back in his arms and he was kissing her again. One hand went into her hair and the other straight to her luscious ass.

Dear Goddess in the sky, he should not be touching her soft, sweet curves, but he couldn't help it. Especially not when she was melting in his arms, and her tongue was in his mouth. He hiked her skirt up on one side and scraped his fingers over her bare flesh. He was dying to know what kind of lacy, slinky underthings she had on. Or didn't.

Helena broke the kiss with a soft whimper. “If these are your fake kisses, I can't imagine what your real ones are like. Some girl is going to be very, very lucky to land you one day.”

She took a deep breath and then stepped away. Her hair was a mess from his fingers running through it, and she looked thoroughly well kissed, on her way to being well fucked. She yanked her skirt a little higher and opened the door.

Right. Get her keys.

“I'll be right back.” She walked, a little wobbly, into the club and Aleksei grabbed the door to hold it open simply so he could watch that ass wiggle back and forth with each of her steps.

Fuck. He needed to stop drooling. He also needed to tell his cock to cool it. No action besides his hand would be had tonight. And that's how he wanted it. Dammit.

Deep breaths, and thoughts of baseball, the Queen of England, and coronavirus, and the trouble in his pants went back to its usual non-desperate state. Good. It needed to stay that way. It would probably help if he would quit kissing Helena.

Kissing her lips, kissing her neck, then sinking down to his knees and kissing her—

“Okay, I'm ready, we can each go home or whatever now.” Helena dangled her keys in his face.

Well, fuck. There went his cock right back up to half mast again. He cleared his throat and shifted his weight, trying hard to adjust his pants without looking like that's what he was doing. “Great. I'll walk you home.”

She frowned at him and damn, if her pout wasn't just as enticing as her smile. Shit, shit, shit. He had to stop thinking about her lips.

“You don't have to do that. I just live a few blocks—”

A deep growl built up in his chest and rumbled right out of his mouth before he could even tell his beast to cool its jets. “No. You will not walk alone at night.”

Helena blinked at him like he had a wolf growing out of his head. She raised one finger and looked like she was about to tell him off. Again.

Wait. He didn't, did he? Had that seriously just happened? Aleksei hadn't lost control of his shift since puberty, for Goddess’ sake. He patted his head and ran his finger through his hair. “Sorry. I didn't mean it to come out like I was some controlling asshole. I have no right to tell you what to do. It would make me feel better if you'd let me walk you home.”

Helena's finger didn't go down and if those narrowed eyes were any indication, she was pissed. “It's a damn good thing you caught yourself there, buster. Because A. Nobody tells me what to do. And B. I do what I want. You remember that and we'll get along just fine.”

Goddess, a woman who didn't take shit from anyone was hot. Aleksei folded his arms and grinned at her. He could not help wondering if she'd let him tell her what to do if they were in his bed and he had her arms pinned over her Copyright 2016 - 2024