How to Turn a Frog into a Prince - Bree Wolf Page 0,42

girls’ chamber, giving their door a sharp knock.

“Who is it?” came Charlaine’s hushed voice from inside.

Nathanial glanced up and down the hallway, his skin crawling with tension. “It’s me.”

In an instant, the door flew open and Charlaine’s hand reached out to grab him by the front of his jacket before she all but yanked him inside, closing the door behind him the moment he tumbled through.

Nathanial almost lost his footing.

“Did you find any?” Daphne peeped up from behind him, her little voice full of eagerness.

Straightening, Nathanial found himself looking into three rather expectant faces. “Well, I…” He reached inside his pocket and withdrew his bounty. The golden necklaces glittered in the light, and he saw the girls’ eyes grow wide with awe.

“I want the one with the pearl,” Daphne declared as her little fingers ran along the small orb’s shiny surface. “It’s so pretty.” Then her face scrunched up. “There are three.” She looked up at him. “Why did you get three?”

Hesitant, Nathanial turned to look at Charlaine. “Well, I…” She smiled at him with that knowing glow in her eyes, but refused to come to his rescue. Instead, she asked, “Yes, why did you get three?”

Nathanial could have strangled her. “Well, I thought…” he began as his eyes swept over the girls dressed in more appropriate attire considering the occasion. “I brought three because…” he swallowed, and then his gaze landed on a remarkably ugly doll with no hair to speak of.

Smiling, Nathanial looked at Daphne. “I thought Mary would like to wear one as well.”

Instantly, the girl’s face brightened. “Oh, what a wonderful idea!” She swooped the ugly doll into her arms. “Did you hear that, Mary? He brought you a necklace as well. Isn’t that sweet of him?”

Nathanial felt a hand settle upon his arm and turned to see Charlaine smile at him. “Indeed, it is very sweet of him.” Her gaze held his, and Nathanial felt his insides tingle at the warm glow in her eyes. “Thank you.”

Nathanial felt his head bob up and down like a fool’s. “You’re welcome.”

Smiling, Charlaine turned to the girls and helped them put on the necklaces. Then she straightened their hair and reminded them to be on their best behavior. “For Pierce and Caroline.”

“For Pierce and Caroline!” Daphne and Susan called like warriors riding into battle.

When they stepped back out into the corridor, Charlaine held him back as the girls hastened toward the staircase. “Later, you need to tell me what truly happened.” Then she grasped his hand and pulled him along.

Downstairs, Mary was settled on the mantel, half-hidden behind a large vase and given stern instructions by Daphne not to venture from this spot. Then the girls rushed to present their dresses to Pierce and Caroline.

“You look beautiful,” Caroline exclaimed as she ran a hand over Daphne’s curls. “Oh, and that pearl necklace! You chose wisely.”

Daphne beamed, and Susan rushed forward to claim some praise for herself.

Nathanial felt his mind still spinning from all the unexpected commotion. He barely noticed the other guests moving closer, observing the familial scene and whispering to one another. He felt Charlaine’s hand on his arm and turned to look at her, knowing that her unusual ways had once again brought about a wonderful moment.

She met his gaze. “You did good.”

Nathanial laughed. “I was almost discovered.”

“I suppose that was Emma, looking for the girls.” She grinned at him. “What did you do?”

“I hid behind the door.”

Her smile broadened. “Bravo! I’m glad to hear you’re not completely untalented when it comes to sneaking around. Perhaps you still do remember something from your childhood years.”

Nathanial laughed. “You bring out a rather troubling side in me.”

“Oh, no, not troubling at all,” she told him with that meaningful look in her brown eyes. “But freeing.” Her gaze shifted down to his chest. “Don’t tell me your heart did not try to beat out of your body.”

“Of course, it did,” Nathanial replied in a hushed tone. “It was deeply unsettling.”

Her smile deepened. “You’ll come to cherish it. I promise you.” She glanced over her shoulder at a young, blond-haired woman, who looked a bit flushed in the face and stood off to the side, a weary look in her eyes. “I’d better go speak to Emma and apologize for the girls. I’ll be right back.”

Nathanial nodded as she hastened away, then turned when he heard Lord Markham address him. “I see Charlaine has managed to include you in her…games,” the man said with a good-natured smile. “I hope you Copyright 2016 - 2024