How to Turn a Frog into a Prince - Bree Wolf Page 0,21

practice when it came to sneaking out of the house…as was evidenced by her presence here tonight.

“Sneak out of the house?” Miss Hawkins gasped as though she would never in a thousand years contemplate the idea. “To go where?”

“A masquerade,” Charlaine exclaimed, unable to keep her eagerness at bay. Her hands clapped together in delight and her feet all but danced on the floor. Still, a part of her felt annoyed by how much a silly masquerade meant to her. If only she could enjoy London’s balls like other women. “I’m well aware that London society is not all that fond of me—apparently, I’m not the kind of woman they would welcome into their midst—and I must admit I’m growing tired of their pointed stares and hushed whispers.” There! She’d said it! “But I refuse to let their animosity dull my spirits.” Squaring her shoulders, she looked Miss Hawkins in the eyes. “Tonight, I want to enjoy myself. I want to dance and laugh and be looked at without judgment, and I think a masquerade is the perfect place to do so.” Smiling, she leaned forward, praying that Miss Hawkins’ spirit possessed an adventurous streak not unlike her own. “I thought you might feel the same.”

A thousand thoughts flitted across Miss Hawkins’ face, and yet, Charlaine thought she saw temptation spark in her wide blue eyes. “What if we’re discovered?”

Charlaine shrugged. “What if we’re not?”

A slow smile stole onto Miss Hawkins’ face despite her obvious effort to contain it.

“I can see that you want to come,” Charlaine remarked before grasping the other woman’s hands. “Please, do.”

“What about Pierce?” Miss Hawkins asked, still undecided. “Will he not realize that you’ve left?”

“Oh, he’s already at the masquerade.”

Miss Hawkins stilled. “But…but then we’ll surely be discovered.”

Charlaine could not help but grin. “Well, it is a masquerade.” She squeezed the other woman’s hands. “Still, are you not curious to see if he will recognize you?” A wide mix of emotions danced across Miss Hawkins’ face. “I think it’s about time the two of you spoke to each other,” Charlaine urged before her smile deepened. “I have the perfect gown for you. I swear it will not fail to catch his attention.”

That, in turn, captured Miss Hawkins’ attention for her hand moved upward and tugged on the high collar of her mouse-gray dress. Her eyes became distant as she lost herself in a memory. A pleasant one to be certain for the smile that tugged on her lips whispered of utter bliss.

“Will you come then?” Charlaine asked hopefully.

Miss Hawkins nodded. “I cannot believe I will, but, yes. I’ll come with you.”

Charlaine’s heart thudded wildly in her chest, and she could no longer stay seated. Her hands clapped together in joy at the thought of another adventure on the horizon. “Oh, this is wonderful! And if we’re to be the best of friends, you must call me Charlaine.” After what she had observed tonight, Charlaine no longer harbored the slightest doubt that Pierce and Caroline would be married in no time at all. If only those two would finally realize that as well!

Pulling Caroline off the settee, Charlaine looped her arm through hers and drew her toward the door. “Everything is prepared. We’ll change and then we’ll be off.”

“How did you know where to find me?” Caroline asked, her demeanor growing more confident as they crossed the foyer.

“I enlisted Albert’s help,” Charlaine confessed, glancing around to ensure the dear man was not lurking nearby. He did have a slightly upsetting tendency of appearing and disappearing without warning. “He, too, wishes to see Pierce happy, and he is very fond of you as well, dear Caroline.”

An adorable smile lit up Caroline’s face.

After changing with all haste, Charlaine found her new friend standing in front of the tall mirror in her chamber, her spectacle-free gaze sweeping over the ruby red gown Charlaine had chosen for her. It made her look radiant and would certainly succeed in drawing Pierce’s attention.

“You look different without your spectacles,” Charlaine observed as she smoothed her hands down her own golden gown. It shimmered like the sun, and she felt utterly glamorous in it. “You don’t need them, do you?”

“No, I don’t,” Caroline admitted, her blue eyes sparkling with her daring spirit.

Charlaine could not help but wonder why Caroline had ever decided to wear spectacles that served no purpose. However, time was running short and so they hurried downstairs and then rushed to seat themselves in the carriage Albert had reluctantly ordered for them.

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