How to Turn a Frog into a Prince - Bree Wolf Page 0,100

asked, trying to ignore the way her chest rose and fell with each tense breath. She could no longer deny that the threat of his renewed departure made her feel ill. Still, how were they supposed to continue if he were to stay? Clearly, the ease that had once existed between them was all but lost. Were they even still friends? Could one call it that?

Nathanial heaved a deep sigh, then turned to look at her. “Would you mind if I invited Abigail to join us here?”

Charlaine felt a chilling cold seep into her bones.

“She is all alone at Pembroke Hall,” Nathanial continued, a warm glow coming to his eyes as he looked at her. “I do believe she could do with a bit of a distraction, someone to speak to, someone to inspire her.” His smile deepened. After a moment of hesitation, Nathanial reached for her hand. “Who better to inspire her than you?”

Charlaine tried to swallow the lump in her throat. “Me?” she all but croaked. The touch of Nathanial’s hands upon hers stole her breath, and yet, his words chilled her heart. How could he not see that the thought of Abigail hurt her?

Of course, he had called Abigail a friend. He had insisted that she had been his fiancée, but was no longer. Still, that did not mean he did not hope for more. For a reunion. Was that why he had offered to be Abigail’s friend? In the hopes of reclaiming her heart?

“You truly care for her, do you not?” Charlaine asked, her eyes searching his face, not certain what answer she was hoping for. Nathanial was a good man—always had been—and Charlaine loved him for it. Still…

Smiling at her, Nathanial nodded. “I’ve known her almost all my life.” He sighed, shaking his head. “I cannot recall a time without her, and yet, I feel as though I met a completely new person when she came to Pembroke Hall.” He frowned. “It is strange how people can suddenly seem different or how one suddenly sees them in a different light.” His gaze sobered, lingered on hers and he drew in a slow breath, his hands still holding on to hers. “Do you mind?”

Charlaine swallowed, then forced a smile onto her face. “Of course not.” How could she refuse such a request? After all, she had been the one to teach him about the meaning of friendship. Was that not what he had said? He wanted to be there for Abigail in her time of need as she, Charlaine, had been there for him. She could not fault him for that.

She could not say no.

And so a few days later, Charlaine found herself standing beside Nathanial on the front steps as they watched a carriage make its way up the gravel drive toward Markham Hall. The winds blew fiercely, tossing leaves about and rustling through the trees. The skies hung full of dark clouds, blocking out the sun, a matching echo of the misery that lived in Charlaine’s heart.

“Her father is not objecting to her staying in England?” Charlaine asked as they waited, the carriage moving closer with each tense breath to leave her lips.

Nathanial turned to look at her. “I assume he will not be pleased,” he admitted, a slight frown coming to his face. “I admit I had not considered it.” He sighed. “We shall see.” Then he moved forward to open the door as the carriage pulled to a halt, eagerness in his step.

Charlaine inhaled a deep breath as she watched a golden-haired, young woman emerge from the carriage, her wide, blue eyes lighting up with joy as she beheld Nathanial. Then she flung herself into his arms. “Oh, I’ve missed you!” she whispered loud enough for Charlaine to hear.

It felt like a knife plunged into Charlaine’s heart, and she had to fight to keep tears from pooling in her eyes. How on earth had this happened? When had Nathanial, her dear and trusted friend, become the one man she could not live without? The one man she wanted to claim for herself?

Pulling Abigail’s arm through his own, Nathanial guided her up the steps. “Charlaine, this is Abigail.” He smiled at her in that utterly endearing way of his. “Abigail, this is Charlaine.” He chuckled. “Considering the informality favored by everyone in this household, I assume you don’t mind first names.”

Once again forcing a smile onto her face, Charlaine shook her head. “Of course not.” Then she turned to Abigail. “Welcome to England Copyright 2016 - 2024