How My Brother's Best Friend Stole Christmas - Molly O'Keefe Page 0,52

in?” Mom asked us.

“Just a second,” I said.

“Look at you,” Sam said when it was just the two of us and the coat closet. “Getting along with your mom.”

“A real Christmas Miracle.”

He wrapped me in his arms. “I’m proud of you.”

“I’m a little proud of me too,” I said and kissed his chin and then his lips. And his lips one more time.

“You know,” he said. “I had this thought-“

“Is it about having sex in the coat closet because I had that thought too.”

“No,” he laughed. “But, maybe? The thought was that I had stolen Christmas from you.”

I leaned back. “How?”

“Because you weren’t meant to be mine. None of this…was meant to be mine. And I took it from you, one kiss at a time.”

“See,” I said, walking backwards towards the coat closet and pulling him with me. “That’s where you’re wrong. You were always meant to be mine. Always.”

“We can’t have sex in that coat closet,” he said when I opened the door.

He was right, but still. “Then you owe me.”

“What exactly do I owe you?” He narrowed his eyes and I leaned up on tip toe to whisper the dirtiest things I could think of. “Well,” he coughed, his neck and cheeks all flushed. “We could leave. Now. I could do half of that in the car.”

There was a pop of another bottle of champagne and more laughter. Betty. My mom. All our family and friends.

“Later,” I said. And we went into the kitchen where the awkward little party was getting slightly less awkward. His hand slipped from my shoulder to my waist and then he was holding my hand. And I was holding his so tight I was never going to let go.

He gave me love and joy and happiness. He gave me sweaty orgasms and filthy sex. He gave me a new way to look at my past and a future so bright I could hardly stand it.

I was the luckiest girl on the planet because every day with Fucking Sam Porter was Christmas.

Thank you thank you thank you for picking up HOW MY BROTHER’S BEST FRIEND STOLE CHRISTMAS! If you haven’t read the other books in the series - one click now!

My Fake Christmas Fiancé

Santa Baby Maybe

If you want more sexy family drama - don’t worry! I’ve got you covered. Turn the page for an excerpt of THE TYCOON

The cruel and beautiful man who ruined my life has everything he wants—everything except me.

Five years ago, Clayton Rorick loved me. Or so I thought. Turned out he only wanted to get his hands on my daddy’s company. Heartbroken, I ran away with nothing but the clothes on my back. Like a twisted Cinderella. When my father dies, leaving my sisters in a desperate situation, it’s up to me to help them.

I’ll have to beg the man who broke my heart to save us.

But Clayton hasn’t forgotten me and what he wants in exchange for his help is…my body, my heart and my soul.



No one had ever told me about orgasms.

Like, I had a sense, from movies or whatever. But no one ever gave me the complete picture. How they were tricky. How you had to be patient and vulnerable. Naked in a lot of ways—more than just, you know, actually naked. No one told me that they were a little frightening, that feeling of chugging up the incline of a roller coaster. Of something powerful and scary being just over the edge of a cliff.

Really, what no one told me was how freaking consuming they were.

After having some (eight, to be exact), it was literally all I could think about. Even in this stupid dress with the suffocating shapewear and the itchy netting. The boning in the bodice that dug into my armpits and didn’t let me breathe. The way my boobs—always a problem, except in the orgasm department—were squished and flattened.

All of this should be awful. But it wasn’t. Not really.

Because it was my engagement party.

And all I could think about was sex.

And Clayton.

“You didn’t lose the ten pounds you were supposed to, did you?” my stepmother, Jennifer, asked. She had her disapproving sniff going at full speed.

“Nope,” I answered.

“Veronica,” she said and then sighed, the most disappointed sigh. “You were going to try.”

“Was I?”

Clearly, while I’d been thinking about sex, my stepmother had been thinking about the ten pounds she wanted me to lose. The urge to tell her to just calm down, was hard to resist, but I managed -- because orgasms. I Copyright 2016 - 2024