How to Marry Your Frenemy - London Casey Page 0,95

have done anything to get to me…

My lip started to lift into the air.

I had to look away from the scene but couldn’t.

Vince closed in on Callie’s lips and her eyes moved.

She looked right at me.

That’s when she stepped away from Vince.

Vince looked at me too.

The fucking penguin shaped prick winked at me.

I turned and walked away.

If I hadn’t…

I would have killed my own uncle right on the spot.

“Jackson! Wait!”

Callie’s voice called after me.

I wasn’t fucking waiting for a thing.

I hurried out of the office.

I took the stairs.

“Jackson, stop running away!”

There was nothing to say to Callie.

She played the game and played it damn perfect. She caught me with my pants down in a sense. Moving in next door to me. Coming to the strip club. Playing my own vibes against me. Knowing Vince was going to throw the marriage thing on the table. She knew it all… she knew how to get to me and break me.

The crazy good sex…

I gritted my teeth and punched the door to leave the building.

Outside the busy streets were loud enough to break up some of the thoughts in my head.

Callie was right behind me though.

“You don’t know what you saw,” she said.

I turned and looked at her.

“You’re red faced,” I said. “You got caught.”

“No, I didn’t,” she said. “Vince was-”

“Writing you a check for what you’d done,” I said. “I get it now, Callie. Maybe you two deserve each other.”

“I would never… with Vince? Who do you think I am?”

“You tell me,” I said. “You were quick to marry me for money, right? You were quick to let me fuck you how many times? Just turning that screw to get what you wanted. I see it all now, Callie. You just want control. That’s it. I get it. That’s who you are. I should have seen it coming, but I got distracted. You played it good, sweetie.”

“There was nothing to play!” she yelled. “Everything you feel, I feel. I swear on my life, Jackson. This is real. This isn’t-”

“It’s too late,” I said. “Save it. I don’t want to hear a fucking thing.”

“You really think that this was a setup?” Callie asked. “You know me, Jackson. You know the real me. I showed you who I was.”

“Yeah, you’re right. The woman staying late to get paid by Vince. So he could fuck me over. Fuck me out of my father’s company. And so you could open your legs and get the promotion you’ve always wanted. Congrats, Callie. Enjoy it.”

I clapped my hands.

“Fuck you,” she said. “You have no idea what you just saw. I… I’m in love with you, Jackson. That up there was-”

“You love me?” I asked. I laughed. “The game is over, Callie. I’m waving the white flag. You got what you wanted. You win. You beat me. I’m done. You get the money. You get the promotion. Most of all, you get to watch me walk away. You win.”


I darted out into the street and cut off the slow-moving traffic.

Horns blared and someone called me an asshole.

I didn’t care.

I just had to walk away.

And I sure as fuck wasn’t going back to my apartment.

I needed to distance myself from Callie.

For good.

This wasn’t a divorce.

This was the destruction of my heart.

Chapter Forty-Two


I couldn’t find Jackson anywhere.

Not that I really knew many places to look for him or people to contact to find him. He had his core group of friends that he told me about. A few I had met here and there when they stopped by the office. Of course there was Liam and Miranda. We went to dinner with them.

But I didn’t have anyone’s phone number.

I went from my apartment to his.

After knocking for a little bit, I left the apartment building and got a ride to the gym where he worked out. I told the young, beefy guy behind the counter that I was looking for Jackson and there was an emergency. He hadn’t seen Jackson but he let me look around.

I walked through the maze of sweaty people looking for Jackson.

No luck.

From the gym I went back to the apartment.

Then to his apartment again.

If I wanted to get inside…

I can go inside and find a laptop or something. If he has his texts hooked up from his phone to his laptop… or I could jump on social media and…

I stopped myself.

Jackson didn’t want to be found.

That was the truth.

He came to the office to see me and saw something horrible.

Something that was my fault.

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