How to Marry Your Frenemy - London Casey Page 0,9


Jackson wasn’t going to get into my head tonight. Or tomorrow. Or ever.

He wasn’t getting into my head or my pants, panties, skirt, bra, whatever.

Although it was about damn time a woman brought Jackson to his knees.

Chapter Five


Callie really fucked up my entire night.

The last thing I wanted to do was fall asleep with her on my mind.

But that’s what happened.

My bed was too big to sleep alone in.

Not really, but I had set out to enjoy myself.

Coming home and jerking off into the sink, picturing Angela bent over it, wasn’t part of the plan. Neither was Callie popping into my head just as I started to blow my load. The first spurt into the sink was disastrous because it was Callie’s face I pictured. After that, it was back to Angela.

Definitely not the night I had wanted or needed.

I slept just fine though, waking up a few minutes before the alarm on my phone.

I sat up in bed and stretched my neck.

Instantly, my mind went into investment mode.

There wasn’t a time in my life where I didn’t think about money and investments.

I was born into that world and it was all I knew.

My father used to bring me to his office and let me spin in his chair.

When that got boring, I would kick myself off the walls and pretended I was in a car without brakes. That didn’t last long because I ended up breaking some expensive glass thing in his office.

I remembered that so vividly because I figured that was going to be the moment my father would kick my ass six ways from Sunday.

Instead, Big Jack stood up, walked to me, and asked if I wanted to see something cool.

To me, anything my father thought was cool, I thought was cool.

He sat me on his lap and we looked at stock quotes together.

Then he started to teach me how to read quotes.

Things like an evening star and doji were suddenly part of my life.

The rest became history.

I always thought of my father the day of a big meeting.

Sometimes I wondered what his legacy truly was. Or what kind of direction he would have taken the company if he were still alive.

But… there was no use in dwelling on the past.

All I had was the present.

My feet on the floor.

My dick hard a la morning wood.

And my deep desire to close this deal, get my promotion, and not so gently show Callie the door.

The company would never fully work with both of us there.

She was smart. Beautiful. Savvy as hell.

All of that I could give her.

But she could take that - and her attitude - and go somewhere else.

I hated that I went to bed thinking about Callie and woke up the same.

At the same time, it was going to be me and her in the meeting together. We would have to play nice, smile at each other, and make sure the company’s money was going to be spent the right way.

One bad investment and it could shake things to its foundation.

My uncle had a hard-on for tech companies. He wanted in on everything, all at once, all the time. He would spout off orders and company names and let everyone else figure out what was right or wrong.

This one with LoriTech had a very big payoff.

And it also had the same size of risk.

Callie was right to want to protect the investment before anything else.

I was bit of a wild card, going to the very edge all the time, but it’s also what made me money.

I did my normal routine of coffee, eat, and shower before I stood at my closet, looking for my favorite suit to wear.

This one was my closer.

I wore it for all my big meetings, and it had yet to fail me.

After I got dressed, I looked at myself in the mirror.

I smiled and then started to laugh.

I could taste the return on the investment already. It was going to net the company a shit ton of cash. It was going to get me the promotion. A big fat bonus check too.

As much as everyone pointed out that my father started the company and my uncle ran it, I didn’t have access to the money. Sure, I grew up well off and never had to worry about much in life, but my father made sure that I was going to work my ass off for every penny I earned. Nothing was to be handed to me. Everything went into the company. And Copyright 2016 - 2024