How to Marry Your Frenemy - London Casey Page 0,87

the gush of… Jackson…

He tucked his cock away and left the bathroom.

I hated that he could just do that.

For me, I had to stand there with a river of me and him mixed together between my legs.

I turned around and turned on the three second sink to splash water on my face.

I had to keep waving my hands like someone guiding a fucking airplane for takeoff to keep the environmentally friendly sink running.

No offense to the environment, but I needed more than three seconds of cold water to cool off from Jackson.

Actually, I needed a really stiff drink.

I walked back to the table as casually as I could.

“Sorry about that,” I said. “I shouldn’t have walked away. I was just-”

Mom pointed at me. Then at Jackson. “Do you see it?”

“See what?” I asked.

“Oh, I see it,” Lake said. She smiled big.

Joni gasped. “You… devil…”

“What is…”

“You two had sex in the bathroom,” Sunny announced.

“What?” I yelled.

“Wild, wild, wild,” Mom said.

I looked down at Jackson.

He was smiling ear to ear.

Owning it.


I hurried to sit down. The evidence was still between my legs.

“You’re all crazy,” I said. “I was just washing up for a second. It was just…”

“There’s only one bathroom here,” Mom said. “So if you went to the bathroom. Then Jackson went.”

“He came back first,” Sunny said.

“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” Lake said. “You can see it on your faces. That orgasmic glow. Good for you both.”

“Okay, fine!” I yelled. “We fucked in the bathroom!”

The entire place went silent.

After a few seconds, Mom clapped her hands together. “Well, I’d say this was a successful night.”

“Me too,” Jackson said. “I’ve got my rocks, my cock, and my wife. What else do I need?”

Of course Jackson dropped that comment as I was drinking water.

I spit water across the table right at Sunny.

She looked at me and smiled. “Is that what you did in the bathroom, Callie? Squirt everywhere?”

“What?” I asked, my face burning hot again.

Jackson laughed.

“You know, anyone can squirt,” Sunny said. “I can teach you a technique…”

“I’m good,” I said.

“I’d love to hear it,” Jackson said.

“Shut up,” I said.

“What?” Jackson asked. “I’m a slave to my craft.”

I curled my lip. “Your craft?”

“Your orgasms are my craft,” Jackson said.

“See?” Lake said. “This is how I know it’s real. Look at them together.”

I grabbed Jackson’s leg and curled my nails deep into it.

He just smiled.

There was no bringing him down a notch. Ever.

The dinner lasted another hour.

The worst had already happened.

When we were finally able to get out of there, it wasn’t without hugs and kisses all around.

Of course, Sunny, Lake, and Joni had to grab Jackson’s arms and groan like they were horny teenage girls. They reveled in kissing his cheek. And when they hugged me, they expressed their jealousy that Jackson could make me come so hard and fast and that I could have him anytime I wanted.

The second I stepped outside the vegan restaurant, I took a deep breath and shut my eyes.

Jackson slipped his arm around me and laughed.

I opened my eyes and looked up at him. “I feel like killing you right now. So whatever you’re going to say right now, your life depends on it.”

He nodded. “How about I buy you a big, fat, greasy burger, Callie?”

I touched his chest. “You just saved your own life, Jackson.”

Chapter Thirty-Nine


“You’re welcome,” I said as I stood at the side of the bed, naked.

Callie rested her head on a pillow with a smile on her face. She lifted one eyebrow and nodded.

“Are you talking to me or your cock?” she asked.

“Both,” I said. “I’ll be right back with those drinks.”

“You do that,” Callie said. “I’m not moving until morning.”

“It’s not supposed to be our night here.”

“Oh well,” she said. “Can’t get into too much of a routine, Jackson. It makes life boring.”

“Yeah? Luckily we really aren’t together then. Imagine living in the same place together? All the time?”

She shook her head. “Walk away before you ruin my sex high.”

I laughed. “You float, sweetie. I’ll be back in a minute so we can fuck again.”

Callie rolled her eyes.

I jogged out of the bedroom.

I was almost dancing on my toes.

I caught myself and stopped.

What the fuck am I doing here?

Tip-toe dancing after sex? With Callie? She and I had been going at it like rabbits for a while now.

I mean, the sex was that good. Sure. It was mind blowing. There was just something about Callie… she didn’t fit the mold. Each time we slept together there was always something new to be discovered Copyright 2016 - 2024