How to Marry Your Frenemy - London Casey Page 0,80

up an entire trash bag to throw those flowers out when they died.

Which was the whole point.

Jackson loved to leave his mark.

And not just for one day.

I reached for the heels and sighed.

“Let me do it,” Jackson said.

“What?” I asked.

Jackson sat on the coffee table across from me and took the heels from my hands.

He grabbed my left foot and gently put the shoe on.

Him just touching me made me tingle.

Oh… fuck…

I swallowed hard.

He touched my right foot and I shut my eyes for a second.

He slipped the shoe on like I was Cinderella.

But then the story became very, very naughty.

His left hand was suddenly under my dress, sliding up my leg with ease.

I looked at him and he smirked.

You want to play this game? Try me…

I didn’t move.

His fingertips did the trick though. Between my legs… I felt it…

The urge. The need.

And just when Jackson was close enough to find out if I was wearing panties or not, I shut my legs on his hand.

He groaned. “Callie…”

“We’re going to be late,” she said. “Remember, this is your thing, Jackson. Your best friend. You begged me.”

I leaned forward and grabbed his arm.

He hung his head as I stood up and walked away.

I loved teasing him like that.

Jackson pushed my chair in for me before taking his own seat.

“Liam, Miranda, this is Callie,” he said. “This is my beautiful wife.”

“Callie, the wife,” Liam said with a smile.

He was cute as hell. Not quite as rough and tough as Jackson, but he had bright blue eyes that could most definitely steal anyone’s attention.

“Callie,” Jackson said. “This is Liam. Anything bad about me I learned from this guy. And next to him is his fiancée, Miranda.”

“Hello, Jackson,” Miranda said in an icy tone. She looked at me. “You’re really married to him?”

I showed her my ring. “Real as can be.”

“But not real, right?” she asked.

“We’re married,” Jackson said. “Nothing else matters but that. Let’s drop the subject.”

“If you say so,” Miranda said. “I’m just…”

Her phone started to ring.

“Babe, I thought we agreed to no phones tonight,” Liam said.

“We did,” she said. “I just need to take this call. It’s Lawrence. I can’t ignore him.”

She stood up and hurried from the table.

Liam outstretched his left arm around the empty chair.

“Well that was a new record,” Jackson said. “Ten seconds into dinner.”

“Eat shit, Jackson,” Liam said. Then he looked at me. “Sorry about that.”

“Doesn’t bother me,” I said. “I have the same feelings for him myself.”

“Oh, come here, sweetie,” Jackson said.

He pulled me close and kissed the top of my head.

I pushed him away.

Liam laughed. “Yeah, you two are the inspiration for marriage.”

“And what do you think you are, man?” I asked. “How long are you going to put up with this?”

“Jackson, stop,” I said.

“Listen to your wife,” Liam said.

I gritted my teeth.

Miranda came rushing back. “I’m sorry about that. Watch…” She turned her phone off. “No more phone. Now we can enjoy our dinner. Right, Liam?”

Her tone was vicious.

Liam grinned. “That’s right, babe. Thanks for that. You’re the best.”

I glanced at Jackson.

He was visibly annoyed.

I wasn’t sure what to make of it.

Whether he had some personal beef with Miranda or if he really cared about Liam that much.

Our waiter came to the table with a lot of wine to taste.

Me, Jackson and Liam settled on the first one.

Miranda sipped eight different ones before settling on hers.

And when she did, she lifted her glass to me. “Never settle for the first one that tastes good, right?”

I smiled back. “Right.”

Jackson and I ordered the most expensive special off the menu.

The price made me look twice to see if it was typo.

A three-figure meal… plus wine… times four people… and gratuity…

Jackson put his hand into my lap.

Almost instantly, he dug his fingers into my inner thigh.

I jumped and almost spilled all the wine.

“Shit,” I said. I looked at him. “What are you doing?”

“Are you okay, Callie?” Miranda asked.

“Yeah,” I said. “Jackson must have thought we were home, he wanted to play with my clit.”

Liam coughed on his wine.

“Holy shit,” he said.

“What?” I asked.

Jackson laughed.

He wasn’t offended by what I said. Or that I called him out.

Of course he wasn’t.

Nothing could ever bother him.

“Well, you two must be wild in bed,” Miranda said. “That honeymoon phase is good stuff.”

“Is the honeymoon over for you two?” I asked.

I was on my second glass of wine and didn’t care.

“It’s fine,” Liam said. “We’re still happy. Just busy.”

“That doesn’t seem accurate,” Jackson said. “You two are stiff.”

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