How to Marry Your Frenemy - London Casey Page 0,77

said. “You both need it. Who cares?”

“Yeah, I know,” I said. “Who cares? It’s just sex. Really good sex. You think passion is good, throw in a little hate and… whew…”

“As long as you don’t fall for him, it doesn’t matter,” Misha said.

I laughed. “Yeah, like that’ll ever happen.”

I looked down at my desk and swallowed hard.

That will NEVER happen.

Chapter Thirty-Five


“You slept with her.”

I dropped the weights to the floor.

They hit with a loud enough thud that everyone in the gym looked at me. Even the people listening to music looked at me.

I gave them all a wave which was a kind way of saying mind your own business.

Liam crossed his arms and leaned against the stone wall.

He had a grin on his face that was worthy of a punch.

“What did I miss?” Cole asked as he threw a towel over his shoulder.

“Where’s Lincoln and the other guys?” Liam asked.

“Don’t,” I said.

“What?” Liam asked. “This is huge news.”

“What is?” Cole asked.

“Jackson finally fucked his wife,” Liam said.

I gritted my teeth.

I stepped toward him and Cole moved between us.

He let out a small whistle and looked at me with the same grin as Liam.

“Is that true?” Cole asked.

“Why does it matter?” I asked.

“Look at his face,” Liam said. “He’s got sex written all over it. Worse yet, he’s got great sex written there. And he’s barely worked out. She drained him. She must have been working him all night…”

“Cole, I have to hit him,” I said.

“Jackson’s right,” Cole said to Liam. “You’re out of line with the way you’re talking.”

“I’m breaking his balls,” Liam said. “I’m his best friend. I’m allowed to do it.”

“Let me ask you something,” I said to Liam. “When was the last time you and Miranda slept together?”

Liam showed his hands. “You got me there.”

“Everybody good?” Lincoln asked as he approached.

Behind him came Dax, Finn, Gage, and Hudson.

We had the whole crew in the gym today. We basically took the place over.

“Everything is perfect,” I said.

“Jackson is enjoying the perks of marriage,” Liam said.

“And Liam can’t even get laid by his own fiancée,” I said.

“You guys are crazy,” Lincoln said. “Women…”

“They’re a beautiful beast,” Gage said.

“You going to put that one in a song?” I asked Gage.

He pretended to play the air guitar. “You never know. If it’ll sell, I’ll write it.”

“Come on, what are we doing here?” Hudson asked in his rough voice. “We’re acting like women gossiping over coffee. Who cares about who’s fucking who?”

“I like his thinking,” I said. “Thanks, Hudson.”

“I’ve got about five to go,” Finn said. “Then I have a meeting.”

“I was spotting someone over there,” Dax said. “She had solid C’s. Possibly D’s. You know how sports bras like to hide the goods.”

“The goods?” Cole asked. “What are you, a teenager?”

“Don’t get like that, Cole,” Finn said. “This asshole and his young charm bullshit works like I’ve never seen in my life.”

“That’s because every woman wants to be with someone else,” Dax said. “Me.”

We all started to laugh.

Liam pushed from the wall and kept smiling at me.

He was lucky he was my best friend.

I felt like putting his head through the glass window.

At the same time, I felt like putting my own head through the glass window.

Was it that obvious I was getting closer to Callie?

I put the bottle of cologne to my neck and tilted it.

I rubbed the bottle to the back of my neck and then around to the other side.

“You have to give me something here,” Liam said.

“No, I don’t,” I said.

I put my cologne away and took my bag out of the locker.

I slammed the locker and took a step before Liam blocked my path.

“Come on, Jackson. What’s the worry?”

“There is none,” I said.

“You slept with her,” Liam said. “It’s about time, right? You two have been going at it for a while now. The sex has to help ease that tension. And don’t tell me it wasn’t good. I’ve known you long enough to-”

“It was amazing,” I said. “Okay? I know exactly how to take care of her. She knew how to take care of me. And there was zero weirdness to it. Because we both knew it was for the sake of the marriage and the money.”

“So it was wild and guiltless,” Cole said as he appeared wearing nothing but a towel.

“Exactly,” I said.

“Goddamn, man,” Lincoln said as he ran a hand through his wet hair. “How long are you going to keep that going?”

“No clue,” I said. “I’m just going with the flow.”

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