How to Marry Your Frenemy - London Casey Page 0,55

fuck is this guy about?

“Come with me,” I said to Maggie.

“I want to see this place,” Maggie said to me.

“Just do this for me and you can go do your thing,” I said. “I just need you for a minute.”

“How typical,” she said.

I looked down at her. “I’ve never finished that quick. Ever.”

Maggie rolled her eyes.

We walked to the bar and Maggie broke away from me.

I reached out and grabbed Callie by the hands.

I pulled her against me.

I looked at Derrick and winked. “Thanks for keeping her safe. But I couldn’t in my heart let my wife come here without me.”

“Wife…,” Derrick said.

“She didn’t tell you about us?” I asked. “She’s so shy sometimes.”

“You’re married?” Maggie asked.

“Of course I am,” I said. “Why do you think you weren’t riding my dick on the way here?”

Callie slapped me across the face.

That got some attention.

She jumped to her toes and growled into my ear. “Outside. Now.”

Callie then took off, running away from the bar.

I looked at Derrick and smiled.

“I think I’m in the doghouse already.”

I wandered my way outside, smiling the entire time. Nodding to anyone who looked at me. I wasn’t sure if they were staring because I wasn’t in a tux. Or if they somehow knew me from my job. Or if it was because I was the guy who got bitch-slapped ten seconds after arriving.

Either way, I didn’t care how anyone knew me.

I was fine with putting myself on the line if it meant pissing Callie off. Or embarrassing her. Or making her hate me just a little bit more than she already did.

When I stepped outside, I smelled cigarette smoke.

There were a few people enjoying a smoke break.

Callie wasn’t one of them.

She was to my left, staring daggers at me.

I carefully approached, putting my hands out.

“You’re not going to slap me again, are you?” I asked.

“Are you drunk or something?”

“No. Not yet. I was going to get us a drink, but you took off.”

“What is your problem? This isn’t a joke to me.”

“It’s not a joke to me either,” I said. “You’re out on a date with another man.”

“Says the guy who brought some woman. What corner did you pick her up on?”

“Wow,” I said. “For the record, Maggie wants to be a model. She wants to go to Paris and make it big.”

“Then why don’t you just take her there?” Callie asked. “Then voila, you both get what you want.”

“Are you jealous right now, Callie?” I asked.

“No,” she said. “This is important to me. I have a job to do.”


“I’ve been talking to people all night. Keeping my distance from Derrick. I talked to-”

“That guy was right up on you,” I said as I stepped closer to her. “He wants to fuck you. And you never told him about me.”

“You didn’t tell your date about me.”

“Don’t twist it around on me,” I said. “I told Maggie we were going as friends.”

“Of course you did. Or else she would have been sucking you off, right?”

“She doesn’t like to do that,” I said. “But she can ride a dick like a crazy woman.”

Callie swung at me again.

I got out of the way of that slap.

“Go home, Jackson,” she said. “I was getting ready to leave soon anyway.”

“Yeah? You’re half drunk. That’s your plan?”

“Fuck you. Who cares what I do? I know how to take care of myself.”

I slipped my hands to her sides and pulled her close. “I warned you, Callie. You’re my wife. Act like it.”

She looked up at me. “I didn’t have a chance to tell him about you. I tried and things kept getting in the way. He’s very rich and powerful.”

I laughed. “His parents are. Not him. He’s a tool.”

“But he knows how to fuck so good,” Callie said. “And he listens to me.”

“Trying to make me jealous?”

“Is it working?” she asked.

“No,” I said. “But should we make a deal for tonight?”

“What kind of deal?

“You fuck Derrick. I fuck Maggie. We take them back to our apartments. Keep it discrete.”

Callie’s eyes widened. “Are you serious?”

“What? We both have needs. This is a win-win.”

“We’re married.”

“Fake married,” I said.

“But still…”

“Unless you want me to fuck you,” I whispered. “I can lift that dress up… let my fingers explore…”

My hands crept down to her ass.

Callie pushed me away. “No thanks. I’m fine just the way things are. We don’t need to make a deal.”

“You’re okay with your fingers then?” I asked.

“Jackson… I can go without much longer than you. Do I need sex? Of course I do. Am Copyright 2016 - 2024