How to Marry Your Frenemy - London Casey Page 0,38

strutted into her office and left me standing there.

Again, the entire office staring.

I slowly took a breath.

It might have been the first time in my life I felt like I was blushing.

Chapter Eighteen


I shut my office door and put my back against it.

I had the sudden feeling I was in a horror movie and the monster was about to smash against the door, wanting in.

There was nothing but silence, which was probably worse than a man - woman - eating monster coming to devour me in a second.

I was stuck with Jackson.

Fucking Jackson.

He was like a parasite. Or a worm.

Taking his time to invade and destroy.

After three deep breaths, I remembered what had happened near Jackson’s office.

The kissing.

Not just any kissing.

That was straight up, good old-fashioned tongue fucking. That was the kind of kissing that happened when you were dead drunk and ready to fuck.

It was so messy and way out of the norm for me.

Then again, so was getting married.

For money.

On a whim.

On a random night.

With the end goal being money.

Big money.

A big, fat, delicious, perfect bonus.

Even still…

I hurried to wipe my lips.

Now I was acting like a young girl who just got kissed by some gross boy.

Only Jackson wasn’t a gross boy.

He was all man.

Even if he was a gross man, my god, that kind of grossness was something tough to resist.

The whole keep it in your pants wasn’t going to be easy for either of us.

But… I meant what I told him.

I had battery powered pleasure at my disposal.

I wasn’t afraid to use it.

I could sail through this marriage thing as long as I needed to.

Luckily with Vince, he fell in and out of love with projects probably as fast as Jackson fell in and out of love with women.

Which meant the bonus would be mine sooner rather than later.

I moved to my desk and looked at Jackson’s office.

It was empty.

I took another deep breath and wiped my mouth again.

I could still taste him.

I could still feel his tongue moving against mine.

I could still feel him exhaling a breath through his nose.

I could still feel the tingling sensation between my thighs, hinting to me that maybe that messy and sloppy and wild and crazy kiss wasn’t the worst thing in the world.

Fair enough. But I did know the worst thing in the world.

Being married to Jackson.

Misha opened the door and I jumped up.

“Get in here now!” I yelled at her.

Her face instantly turned red and she shut the door behind her.

“Close the blinds!” I yelled.

I felt enraged, which was the only emotion I could effectively conjure up to chase away the fact that kissing Jackson had turned me on. It also didn’t feel all that great that it was morning and my panties had gotten a little more than wet and were now clinging to parts of my body that made it feel weird when I tried to walk.

TMI? Too. Freaking. Bad.

Misha struggled to shut the blinds and then faced me.

She shook as she took out a notebook.

The only time I got this pissed was when Jackson was trying to fuck me over and I needed to attack back. That was when Misha would take notes and I’d come up with a plan.

This was… similar, but different.

“Put the notebook down,” I said.

Misha dropped it to the floor.


“You’re, uh, a little worked up today,” she said.

“Did you hear the news yet?”


I took a deep breath and showed her my left hand.

“Um, what is that?”

“Jackson has one too.”

“Jackson… what…” Her eyes went as big as her glasses. She looked like a damn bug staring at me. “Callie…”

“Don’t get all romantic on me, Misha. It’s fake.”

“Wait a second,” she said. “Tell me what’s going on here.”

“You know what’s going on here,” I said. “This is a wedding band.”


“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” I said. “I married Jackson last night!”

My voice bounced around the office and hit me harder than the hangover that was still lingering in my head.

I let out an aaahhh sound and sat down.

I reached around my desk and had nothing to drink.

“Want me to get you a coffee?” Misha asked.

“Yes,” I said. “Wait. No. Yes. No. Stay there.”


I stood back up. “Okay, listen to me. I’m going to say it again. Calmer. I… I married Jackson last night.”

“On purpose?” Misha asked.

“Yes. We were at a strip club and-”

“You went to a strip club with Jackson and then married him. Please tell me you had sex with him also.”


Misha pursed her lips for a second. “So I told you Copyright 2016 - 2024