How to Marry Your Frenemy - London Casey Page 0,22

came over to tell you something.”

“Okay. What?”

My eyes danced up and down his body.

Shoulders. The muscle from the shoulder to the neck. Biceps. Forearms… why do men forget about the forearms? That’s top-notch muscle…

His chest was wide enough for me to sprawl out on, like a blanket on a beach.

Then the washboard abs.

The magical V line that went you know freaking where.

His hand was trying to keep everything contained…

“Eyes up here, Callie,” Jackson said.

I snorted again. Then I started to blush.

I looked up at him. “What? Can’t I eye hump you? Don’t think I don’t know you look at my ass when I’m not looking.”

“Fair trade,” he said. “You have a decent ass. Forgive me.”

“You think I have a nice ass?”

“Holy shit, Callie, what are you doing here? Go home.”

“Yeah, well, fuck you, Jackson. I wanted to tell you I’m living next door. I’m your neighbor. You can’t do a thing about it.”

“Really? You got drunk and waited until almost midnight to tell me that?”

“Yeah. Oh, and if you bring a date home, I’ll mess it up.”

Jackson stepped out into the hallway.

I gasped.

“I don’t bring dates home,” he said. “I have plenty of arrangements when it comes to fucking someone. Anything else you want to talk about?”

“You didn’t close that deal,” I said. “I did. That was all me.”

“If that’s what you need to tell yourself to sleep tonight, so be it. Do you need me to walk you home, Callie?”

“Why? So you can try and take advantage of me?”

Jackson grinned. “No, sweetie. You’re too easy.”

He stepped back into his apartment and slammed the door.

I slapped my hand against the door and heard him engage the deadbolt and the chain lock.

I stumbled back to my apartment.

My mind raced, counting all the muscles I had seen like I was on some children’s TV show.

One set of abs, two set of arms, and some perfect pecs… now I can count, oh, look, I’m also wet!

I made it as far as the leather couch, grabbed a blanket and curled up tight.

Muscles meant nothing.

They were good for a one-night fantasy thing.

But Jackson?

He was a nightmare.

Then again… living next door?

Maybe Misha was right.

It was fate.

It was perfect.

Keep your friends close but your frenemies closer, right?

Chapter Eleven


What the fuck was she doing at my apartment, drunk, in the middle of the night?

That was the million dollar question I couldn’t shake.

I got up extra early and went to my favorite coffee place just down on the corner.

The city life was the only way to survive.

Everything was within a block.

I grabbed two coffees and as I strutted down the hallway, I smiled ear to ear.

I stopped at Callie’s door and made a fist.

A little payback for the fist pounding on my door last night.

For how drunk she was just a few hours ago, she had to have been sleeping and waking up to this sound was going to make her even sicker than she already was.

The door finally opened and I stepped back in complete surprise.

Callie looked… stunning.

She looked perfect.

Her hair pulled back, makeup on, lips a light shade of red and pouty.

Her resting bitch face was enough to make my resting cock move a little.

In a black dress, she was ready to go.

The woman knew how to throw back some drinks, get drunk, and still wake up like normal, showing no side effects from it.

I had to hand it to her.

That was impressive.

Very impressive.

I stuck my left hand out.

“This is yours,” I said. “Don’t thank me.”

Callie took the coffee. “I wasn’t going to thank you, Jackson. Is this going to be a thing now? You bringing me coffee each morning?”

“No. I only did this because I figured you’d be hungover and sick.”

“I guess I let you down.”

“Not the first time,” I said. “Won’t be the last.”

“Do you need anything else?”

“If I get drunk tonight, will you answer the door naked?”


“To make things even,” I said. “You saw me last night.”

“You weren’t naked.”

“Oh, I was naked, Callie,” I said. “I have big hands but cupping my dick like that… no way everything was covered.”

Her cheeks flushed just enough to prove that she not only had been looking, but she remembered.

That was good enough for me.

I nodded and walked away.

Callie slammed her door.

My job is done here… for now.

I walked out of my office and looked into Callie’s. She stood behind her desk, on her phone, leaning forward with one hand on her desk.

God, her tits are…

I shook the thought away.

She was too close now.

Seeing her at the office. Copyright 2016 - 2024