How to Marry Your Frenemy - London Casey Page 0,15

almost blew the thing up. But it’s done. It’s a really big one too. Vince looked ready to wet himself when he came rushing into the conference room.”

“You should celebrate,” Misha said.

“I will.”

“No. Not by working more or thinking about working more. Go out. Have some drinks. Get laid, Callie. Please… go get laid.”

I put my hands to my hips. “Misha. How often… no. Never mind.”

“What? Do you want to know about my sex life?”

“I regret saying anything.”

“I know I look the part of some dorky girl or whatever, but I know what I like, want, and need.”


“Yeah. Go get a drink. Or just download an app on your phone. It’s like instant cock.”

“Instant cock?” I asked.

Misha waved her phone in her hand. “A few touches on my screen and I could be bent over the bathroom sink on the seventh floor. You know, those are the best bathrooms around here.”

“Don’t tell me that,” I said. “I don’t want to hear that.”

“Maybe you do,” she said. “What is it with you and sex? I know you hate men…”

“I don’t hate men,” I said.

“Yes, you do. Any suggestion of power and you freak out.”

“Okay. True.”

“You can find someone who will listen to you. Set your rules, then bend him over the bathroom sink.”

I laughed. “How does that work?”

Misha shrugged her shoulders. “All I know is that fingers and toys can only take a woman so far. Sure, you can pedal a bicycle across the country and get there, but why not jump on a plane and get there faster?”

“Isn’t it better to go slow and steady?” I asked.

“I’m not looking for romance,” Misha said. “Orgasm and done. Boy, bye.”

I took a deep breath. “This conversation was something. You’re my assistant. My Misha. And you’re…”

“What?” she asked. “Horny? We all are, Callie. And if you’re not careful, you’ll get swept up in something like Jackson.”

“What?” I asked. “No.”

“Be careful. That sneaks up on you. Then again…” Misha looked across to Jackson’s office. “That wouldn’t be so bad. You know what you’re getting. You can fuck right here in the office. That’s your dream. You can work while fucking.”

“Misha,” I said.

“Yeah?” she asked, looking at me, adjusting her glasses.

“Please leave,” I said. “Make sure my stuff is getting moved to the new apartment. It’s not much. The new place is furnished, right?”

“Correct,” Misha said. “Seriously, Callie. You just closed a huge deal. Take the rest of the day off. Go to the new apartment. Have fun. Break the place in, you know what I mean?”

For good measure, Misha stuck her pointer finger into a circle she made with the pointer finger and thumb of her other hand.

I tilted my head to one side.

I never thought Misha would…

I shook my head.

No use in thinking about Misha being bent over the bathroom sink, enjoying herself.

If I was bent over a bathroom sink it was to wash the mascara off my face.

I groaned and looked forward only to catch eyes with Jackson.

For a split second I pictured myself looking into the reflection of my new bathroom mirror and see him behind me…

I quickly looked down.

Now, I was blushing.

“Hey, Mom,” I said as I walked out of the office.

At my normal time. No breaks. No stopping. Always onto the next deal.

“Callie!” my mother cried into the phone. “You sound happy. Energetic. You’re radiating through the phone!”

“You can sense energy through the phone?”

“Of course. Only with family. We’re bonded, Callie. Same blood. Body. Our genes and spiritual makeup is made from the same tree.”

I shut my eyes for a second. “Good to know, Mom.”

“I know you don’t buy into that,” she said. “I wanted to hear about your big news.”


“I had a vision last night,” she said. “Something big was happening to you. For you. So I called in the girls and we all channeled energy for you. Gave some of ourselves for you for today.”

I paused walking on the busy sidewalk.

I loved east coast weather as much as I loved the city.

The air still had a very small nip to it, thanks to the buildings blocking the sun. That nip would be chased away for good soon enough to let the warm, summer rush in and overtake the city.

Days like today though were simply perfect.

See, I wasn’t all about being stuck in a temperature controlled, fluorescent-lighted office.

I could appreciate the outdoors.


“I’m here,” I said. “I wasn’t sure what to say.”

“Tell me what happened.”

“Okay. I had a big meeting today.”

“I knew it.”

“I always have big meetings, Mom,” I Copyright 2016 - 2024