How the Hitman Stole Christmas - Sam Mariano Page 0,99

sighs when I do.

“For one thing, I never did show you how to change a tire.”

“Mm, that is true,” she murmurs pleasantly.

“I’m a man of my word, you see. Something like that is bound to bother me.”

“We can’t have that,” she says agreeably.

I run my thumb over the peak of her breast, tweaking her pebbled nipple.

“And then there’s Nora’s wedding.” I watch her face as her eyes drift closed. She sighs softly, enjoying the sensation of me toying with her. “I’ll need to take a date, won’t I?”

“The Christmas conundrum all over again.”

“Exactly.” I drop my head and kiss the swell of her left breast while I tease it. “There’s also the fact that I have a very particular appetite for only your pussy now—we already covered that one.”

She cracks a smile, her eyes still closed. “We did.”

“It turns out…” I kiss my way across to her other breast, bringing my other hand up to tease that one. I watch her face, but her eyes are still closed. They stay that way for a moment while I kiss and play with her tits, but before she can get so carried away that she forgets I started a sentence and didn’t finish it, she tries to clear her head. She opens her eyes and focuses on me, but her gaze is already hazy with desire.

“It turns out…?” she prompts.

I smile softly, reaching up and cradling her delicate neck in my hand. “It turns out I love you, and I can’t be without you.”

Her big blue eyes widen, the light playfulness falling away. “You… love…”

“I love you,” I repeat, grabbing one of her hands and bringing it up so I can kiss it. “I know that probably sounds a little crazy, I know it was fast—”

Autumn cuts me off, shaking her head and gently placing her soft hand against my mouth. “It’s not fast. I mean, it is, but I… I’ve been feeling the same way. I thought I was crazy.”

“If you are, at least you’re in good company.”

She grins at me so big, she looks close to bursting. “You love me.”

“I do.”

“I think I love you, too.”

“You think? Well, we better make sure,” I tease, dipping my head and kissing my way along her perfect breasts again.

Autumn sighs softly and works her fingers through my hair as I kiss her.

I want more of a taste than kisses allow, so I bite gently on the inside of one breast. A faint noise slips out of her, letting me know she’s startled, but she doesn’t resist because she trusts me. She writhes under me as I leave a few more soft kisses to make up for the moment of roughness, then I bite her again.

Her grip on my hair tightens, but still she arches closer, offering her breasts up like a feast, even though she’s not completely convinced she wants me to keep biting her.

I love that even more. I kiss her a few more times, then just when she’s expecting me to bite her, I flick my tongue out and drag it in a line across her skin instead.

Autumn sighs again.

God, I fucking love each and every one of the little sounds she makes when I’m playing with her body.

I wonder if I’ll ever get used to it. If her little sounds will ever cease to light a fire in my veins, if there will ever be a day when the sweet scent of her skin doesn’t cause my cock to harden even before I touch her.

Nah, what am I thinking? That’s fucking crazy talk.

“I think I’m gonna have to marry you,” I tell her.

Nervous, shocked laughter bubbles up out of her. This time she does look at me like I’ve lost my mind. “What?”

“We can wait a while, if you want to. I’m just telling you. I think it’s gonna have to happen.”

“You think?”

“I’m pretty sure. If you have objections, you better voice them soon. Once I set my mind to something, it’s usually a done deal.”

Smiling and shaking her head, she rolls her eyes at me. “You’re crazy.”

“You love it.”

Her gaze returns to me, her eyes as soft as her smile. “I do.”

“And I love you,” I tell her again. Apparently, now that I’ve said it, I can’t stop saying it. “I don’t know how I got so lucky. I don’t know how such an amazing, inspirational woman with such a beautiful soul could come to be mine.”

“Oh, I’m yours now, huh?” she tosses back playfully, a big, warm grin Copyright 2016 - 2024