How to Fool a Duke (The Husband Dilemma #1) - Lancaster, Mary Page 0,22

lips parting enough for his tongue to meet hers, their kiss deepening, and her arms locking around his neck, encouraging him to taste her, to hold her.

“Sarah,” he whispered, “why did you hide from me?”

“Be quiet, Your Grace,” she breathed, “and kiss me more.”

His arousal grew to new levels, his excitement more than evident as it pressed into her, but she didn’t seem alarmed by it. Her lips were so soft, so pliant, so hungry. And his… Damn him for ever walking away from her, for not honoring the betrothal and simply waiting for her to grow up. This woman, this passionate creature in his arms deserved to be his duchess, his goddess even—but would she accept his offer for marriage?

Then without warning, she pulled away, peering up at him with awe. “Forgive me.”

He chuckled and reached for her, but she stepped back. “Whatever for?” He knew there was a dangerous glint in his eyes, there was no hiding his desire, no need to. She obviously felt the same, and it frightened her.

“For misleading you, Your Grace. Our kiss was simply a way for me to put our prior connection in the past—for I have often wondered what would have happened if you had accepted me that day.”

Had he heard her correctly? The kiss had meant nothing? He stared at her, confused.

“Good evening, Your Grace,” she whispered and left him standing on the balcony alone.

Chapter Five

By the time she closed the library door, her evening’s triumphs tasted like ashes. Her social and musical successes were hollow when there was no elation about this, the point of it all.

Why does he not follow me?

Not that she wished him to. Truly, she didn’t. Her exit had been superb, the expression on his face just as satisfyingly lost as she hoped for.

So why did she not feel better? Where was her sense of justice and victory?

Hurrying downstairs in search of Hammy, it came to her that she had lost.

Lost his friendship, lost hope of any more such devastating kisses… She paused, touching her lips in wonder, and then ran furiously on.

As she had expected, Hammy was in the small ladies’ withdrawing room on the ground floor, sitting very close to Lady Whitmore. Both heads snapped around to face her as she burst into the room.

Hastily, she tried to pull her broken pieces together. She dropped a curtsey to her ladyship, but blurted almost immediately, “Hammy, let’s go. I am suddenly very tired.”

“Of course.” Her old governess bounded at once to her feet. “You have had such an exhausting day! We were just saying how proud we were of you.”

She tried to smile. She didn’t feel worthy of their pride. She felt mean-spirited and cruel. The expression on Vexen’s face would surely haunt her forever.

Or perhaps only until she fell asleep.

“Where did you leave His Grace?” Lady Whitmore asked mildly.

Sarah waved one vague hand. “Up in the library, I think.”

But her ladyship’s eyes held her still. “Perhaps there is something you would like to tell us?”

Sarah shook her head mutely, trying to swallow the sudden lump in her throat.

“I see. You have had your revenge.”

“I said I would and I did,” Sarah said defiantly.

“Then you had best go home with Miss Hammond.”

Why did she feel like a scolded child again? It seemed she had lost Lady Whitmore’s good opinion, too, and yet she had told her from the beginning what she intended.

Hammy took her arm and led her away.

In the short walk to the cottage, Sarah was aware of her companion’s searching gaze, but neither said anything.

Were it not for Hammy, I would be completely alone. Sarah thrust the thought aside as self-pitying drivel of the kind she most detested. All the same, she hugged her old governess quite fiercely before picking up the bedroom candle and fleeing upstairs to her chamber.

Only there, with the curtains closed, could she cast herself on her bed and weep. For what, she didn’t yet know, but whatever happened now, her life had changed once more.


Lady Whitmore found him still on the balcony.

She came and stood beside him. “Your reunion did not prosper.”

He let out a short laugh but saw her shiver and immediately offered her his arm. “Come inside, ma’am. The night is too chilly.”

She turned with clear relief to walk back into the room and he closed the doors.

“What happened?” she asked bluntly.

His lip curled in self-deprecation. “I wish I knew. At first, she seemed appalled that I had recognized her, but we talked and she Copyright 2016 - 2024