How to Catch a Sinful Marquess - Amy Rose Bennett Page 0,87

.” Olivia bowed her head and dropped into a curtsy. “I’m . . . it’s such a pleasure and . . . and an honor to m-meet you.”

“Likewise, dear child.” The dowager marchioness tilted her head. Her hands were still clasped at her slender waist but she no longer seemed to be trembling like an autumn leaf in a gale. “Hamish has told me so many wonderful things about you.”

“He has?” Olivia aimed a puzzled look at her husband, who seemed to have more secrets than she’d hitherto realized.

“Oh, yes. Angus has too. And Isobel told me that she was most eager to meet you this afternoon.” Margaret gestured toward her daughter with a gloved hand. “Didn’t you, my dear?”

Isobel inclined her head and smiled warmly at Olivia. “I did indeed.”

While Olivia felt at a disadvantage—it seemed the entire MacQueen family had been discussing her behind her back—she was also wildly curious about this woman who’d given birth to Hamish. She suddenly wanted to know about so many things. What was he really like as a little boy? Was he always a rapscallion? Did she think he was noble and kindhearted too? What was he like before he was injured at Waterloo and began to suffer from terrible dreams?

Why doesn’t he want an heir when it’s clear he would be a wonderful father?

“Speaking of Angus . . .” Hamish frowned at the library door. “You’d think he would have emerged by now given all the kerfuffle. Could you not find him, Nurse Swan?”

“Nae, my lord. And Tilda and I couldna get Shadow to help, could we, my bonnie lassie?”

Tilda shook her head. “But I did count to ten, didn’t I?” she said solemnly.

“Aye, you did. Several times.” Nurse Swan gave her a kiss on the cheek. “You’re a clever thing. Ye take after yer fa—” The nursemaid broke off and blushed beet red. Her panicked gaze darted from Hamish to the dowager marchioness to Olivia and then back to her master again. “Och, my lord. I dinna mean to suggest tha’ you . . .”

Hamish held up a hand. “It’s all right, Nurse Swan. A slip of the tongue, I expect.”

“Hamish, is there something you’re not telling me about the situation with your ward?” asked Lady Sleat in a querulous tone.

Hamish traded a glance with Olivia before he answered. “You know about as much as I do, Mama,” he said with a heavy sigh, “which is very little, all things considered. As I explained yesterday evening, it’s a highly unusual situation. But I hope to get to the bottom of the mystery soon.” He cocked an eyebrow. “I think, for the bairn’s sake, we should talk about this later . . .”

His gaze connected with Olivia’s again, and she offered him a smile. She’d try to glean further details about Tilda’s mother by spending more time in the nursery. Other than that, there wasn’t much else she could do.

As they all began to troop out of the library, Lady Sleat drew close to Olivia. The scent of her rose perfume was as thick and heavy as her veil. “I won’t dine with you tonight, my dear, as it is my custom to have a tray in my suite,” she said as they entered the hallway. “However, I’d be most honored if you would accept my invitation to take tea with me in my sitting room tomorrow afternoon. I’m sure you’re abuzz with questions just like I am.”

“I-I would like that.” She noted Hamish was conversing with Isobel and out of earshot before she added, “And yes, I do have quite a few things I’d like to talk to you about. So thank you. Very much.”

At that moment, Angus appeared around the corner, yawning and rubbing his eyes. “So the party moved to the library, did it? Oh, and Mama has joined in on all the fun and games too.” He approached Tilda and gave her a gentle chuck on the chin. “You took so long to find me, I drifted off.”

She giggled. “You’re a sleepyhead.”

“Guilty as charged,” Angus said. “I hope dinner won’t be too late tonight, as I fear I won’t be able to stay awake past eight.”

“You want dinner after all the cakes and pastries you just ate?” asked Isobel. Her expression was aghast. “No wonder you fell asleep. Your body went into hibernation to digest everything.”

Olivia smiled. How wonderful to be part of a family who played games and teased each other in a good-natured way. They Copyright 2016 - 2024