House Of Vampires 6 - Samantha Snow Page 0,76

shuffled from one foot to the other. “Okay.”

He yanked down my sweats. “Your body shall weep onto my lips, and your screams shall fill my ears.”

“I like where this is going.”

He kissed me, picked me up, and tossed me onto the bed. “You are a meal that leaves me sated with a hunger that shall never die.”

“Yeah, you too.” My giggles ended when his mouth hit my clit, and then I was feeling his joy like he was shoving it into me.

We were still connected. I didn’t stop being a necromancer to his vampire, but now he had to give me permission to roam in his mind. He opened to me as I spread my shaking legs.

Then he devoured me and sated us both.


So our vision wasn’t obscured, we watched the sunrise from the treehouse. Alan and I leaned against a branch while Dimitri stood behind us both, big enough to engulf us in his embrace. I felt his body begin to shutter as the sun launched itself into the sky. Still hidden by the mountains, the sky paled first. Then the rays began to break. Soon pinks and orange light covered the snowy ground.

I looked at Alan and watched silent tears fall from his beautiful eyes. His pale skin reflected the hues of morning. Dimitri was sobbing into my shoulder.

I wrapped my arm around him even though I feared he’d miss his first sunset because of all his cries. “Look up.”

His soft hair brushed my cheek as he placed his head on top of mine. “She’s beautiful.”

The sun.

The old girl finally showed her face, and I felt the guys stiffen for a long time before the tension left them.

I saw a shift on the corner of the eye and saw Zane standing a few feet away, but he wasn’t watching the sun. He was watching us or, more importantly, me. He wasn’t surprised to see the sun at all. He’d probably been watching it by himself for months. Yet another secret he’d kept.

Had he cried at his first sunset in so long? How did he feel now?

I knew how he felt about me. If his longing could control his legs, he’d be over here already.

I turned away and grabbed Dimitri’s hand. I felt the ring I’d given him. The relationship felt more official somehow, though, in my heart, it had already been that way and set in stone.

I glanced over at Zane. He wore his ring on the right hand, and I remembered that for some other counties, that was the wedding finger, but it was also considered the widow finger in the states. How did Zane feel about us? Did he see us as dead? Divorce? Still together?

Alan leaned in my ear. “Do you want to talk to him?”

“I want him gone,” I said loud enough for Zane to hear.

Zane straightened and left, almost like he would have if I still had some control over him.

When I could no longer focus on the sunrise, I broke away from Dimitri and Alan and told them to stay and enjoy the heavenly phenomenal while I went inside.

I snuck into the kitchen in the middle of a conversation between Dr. Shaw and Peter about the food in the fae world and what held the most nutrition.

Dr. Shaw looked at me, hesitantly. “Lorena, I don’t think I should go.”

“What? I thought we’d already discussed this.” Already I hated this day. First, I saw Zane whose face did nothing but remind me of loss, and now Dr. Shaw wouldn’t come with me.

Dr. Shaw patted the stool next to her on the island.

I sat down. “You have to come.”

“I still have work I need to do here. People depend on me, and your journey sounds like it will take a very long time, Lorena.”

“Please.” My eyes were watering, and I hated it. I hated that I was begging her not to leave me. “Please, come.”

She bit her lip and nodded. Then her warm hand was on my cheek. “All right, dear girl. I’ll come.” She hugged me, and I swear no one else’s hugs felt like hers.

I knew my attachment to Dr. Shaw was coming from a place of brokenness within myself, but it wasn’t something I wanted to deal with. Not now. Not ever.

She could take all the Dr. Pepper from me that she wanted, but I wanted her to come.

I turned my head on her shoulder and looked at the aura stone around her neck. Deep inside its dark depths, I Copyright 2016 - 2024