House Of Gods 9 - Samantha Snow Page 0,72

a big responsibility.”

“What do I have to do, sit on it?” she asked.

Brandt snickered.

“The egg will hatch on its own, but when the dragon emerges, it will only answer to you.”

“Well, that sounds kind of cool actually,” Brenna said intrigued.

“Cool, yes, but a big responsibility. Dragons are temperamental.”

“How do you know? Have you ever had one?”

“I read a lot.”

Brenna took his advice into consideration, and then she reached forward and touched the egg. It felt both harder and thinner than she had expected it to.

“I think it’s all a bunch of magical mythos that is likely better substance for fairytales than anything else,” Brandt said.

“Well, either way, it’s pretty.” Brenna found herself fascinated by the shade of blue that seemed to shimmer as though it were iridescent. “Can we keep it in the loft?”

“Sure, it will make a nice decoration under the twinkle lights.” Brandt picked up the egg and placed it in the corner of the loft beneath the string of fairy lights.

The Asian man rolled his eyes and said something under his breath that was in half-English and half-Chinese. Brenna could only make out the few words about “stupid Americans” and “nonbelievers.” Brandt closed the opening to the loft once more and then joined Brenna, who was sitting on a pile of blankets and looking exceptionally beautiful under the shimmering lights.

“You absolutely take my breath away,” he said as he slid his body down beside hers, making sure to have as much physical contact with every movement as possible.

“Is this the beginning of our promise now?” she asked, smiling.

“Yes,” he said. “This is the beginning moment of the promise I made to you the night that I first brought you to this loft. We will stay here for as long as your heart desires, and I will make love to you under the stars and the city lights, with the rain pattering through the open windows and the cool air blowing in over our heated bodies. We will lay under the twinkling lights and on top of the fuzzy blankets,” Brandt paused to see what else he might be missing. “And beside the giant magical trinket.”

Brenna laughed as he managed to throw the dragon egg into the descriptive mix.

“And we will think about nothing besides each other, watch memories and talk, eat noodles, and laugh, and touch…for as long as we want to in our secluded little sanctuary away from the rest of the world. How does that sound?”

“It sounds like utopia,” she smiled.

The rain began to fall again as if on cue, as Brenna crawled over to sit on Brandt’s lap. She wrapped her legs behind him, and they pressed their most sensitive parts against each other as they kissed. He ran his hands up and underneath the back of her shirt, and then lifted it off completely. This was what it had all been for…everything they had done. It had all been leading them to the arrival of this moment, inside their cozy loft, hidden beneath memories that were no longer remembered, against the backdrop of gentle rain and soft lights. It had all been to fulfill their promise to each other and finally have and enjoy their happy ending.

The days and weeks to come were filled with exactly that…fulfillment and ecstasy. In-between moments of passion and intertangled bodies that throbbed with insatiable desire, they talked about things they wanted to do and see and experience for the rest of eternity together. They occasionally went down to have noodle bowls in the back of the restaurant and chat with the man who had delivered Brenna’s letter and the dragon egg to them. They asked him about things that were going on in the city, and they were always pleasantly surprised to find that they didn’t care one way or another.

They had earned their freedom from caring about current events since all was right with the worlds thanks to them. Sometimes they would sit by the open window together at night and count the city lights and make-up stories of what the people in the thousands of apartments were doing. They laughed and spun creative tales of amusement. Brenna would send messages to Kemma to hear of how she and Baldur were progressing, and they were always happy to hear that things remained well and peaceful. Brandt would play some of their most cherished memories across the ceiling for them, and they would lay on their backs and watch the wonders of their life on repeat as Copyright 2016 - 2024