Hotshot - Ahren Sanders Page 0,94


“Shaw?” I lean back and narrow my eyes at him. “How’d you know I have a sunroom?”

He doesn’t miss a beat, picking me up and taking us toward my room. “Because I own this place.”

“You what?” I screech.

“Well, not really own it. I leased it until you decided to come home. There was no way you were living in an extended stay hotel, no matter how nice it was.”

“You are ridiculous! And the car service? Is that you, too?”


“The weekly cleaning service?”


“The food delivery for the entire floor every shift I work?”


“The clowns, magicians, and face painters for the kids?”

He pauses and shakes his head in defeat. “Nope, my nosy and interfering brothers did that.”

“I can’t believe you!” I beat on his shoulders, trying to sound mad.

We reach my bed and he lays me down, pulling out of me but situating between my legs. He props on his elbows and runs his fingers down my temple and through my hair. “Baby, it’s no secret I hated you leaving, but I understood. Even nine-hundred miles away, I made sure you were safe, happy, and taken care of.”

“I am so lucky,” I tell him honestly. “Thank you.”

“You thank me by loving me, and possibly by letting me fuck the hell out of you on the kitchen counter again.”


“Seriously hot. The bed, the wall, the desk, the boat deck… all of them are great, but hearing, seeing, and feeling you go wild on that island ranks up there in my favorites.”

I giggle, threading my fingers into his hair and nipping at his bottom lip. “We should probably get our clothes and sanitize the kitchen before Claire comes back.”

“She’s not coming back tonight. I got her a hotel room.”

“This is where she lives.”

“I know, but she actually offered, knowing you and I have been apart for the longest two weeks of my life and that we needed some privacy. She’ll be back tomorrow afternoon. By then, maybe I’ll be able to behave.”

“Behave, huh? That doesn’t sound like near as much fun.”

“Say the word, Biz, and I’ll rent her, her own apartment for the remainder of the assignment, and we’ll have this place to ourselves.”

His eyes begin to glow in the honey color that sends another ripple of sexual desire shooting through my body. He notices—and gives me a cocky grin, hauling us both to our feet.

My shirt is gone in less than a second, leaving me in only my bra. His heated gaze rakes over me, and goose bumps break out on my skin. “So fucking perfect,” he rumbles.


“Shower sex is also on my list of favorites.” He scoops me into his arms, walking us to my bathroom. “And I plan to take my time.”

“I like this plan,” is all I get out before we’re at it again.

“I can’t believe this is going to be your life! You’re a lucky bitch!” Claire yells loudly over the screaming fans all around us. “If you don’t get Shaw to introduce me to Perry Carver tonight, I’ll hate you forever!” She bangs on the glass, getting into the action.

I raise a questioning eyebrow at Shaw, and he confirms by nodding his head then goes back to typing on his phone.

“What are you doing? How can you be on your phone with all this excitement?” She waves a hand in front of his face and points to the hockey game going on.

“I happen to have four football players who had games today, including my brother. It’s my job to review their performance. I also have two other hockey players on the ice tonight.”

“Jeez! You’re a buzz kill.”

I pinch her arm until she squeals. “Remember who got you these seats and who’s going to introduce you to Perry later. If I were you, I’d be a little nicer.”

“Sorry, oh Master Shaw, I didn’t mean to make fun of you for being a serious dud.” She winks at him playfully, and he grumbles beside me.

There’s a loud boom, and I jolt in my seat as two players smash up against the glass in a scuffle, sending our entire section in an uproar.

“Come on, you two. Can you at least act like you’re here to have fun?”

“I am having fun!” I defend myself.

“Then have a few beers, jump up and cheer, let loose. It’s only a few hours until you can crawl back into your sex cave.”

I suck in a deep breath and look around to see who heard her, and start to blush when many of the people Copyright 2016 - 2024