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and started at my agency, working my way up.”

“Oh, that’s right. Sasha mentioned your brother was Nicolas Bennett.” Ann’s attempt to act blasé fails. She knew exactly who he was.

“And your other brother is a doctor?”

“Yes,” I clip.

“Such successful sons, Maria. You must be extremely proud.”

I slice my eyes to my mom, who’s stopped eating. Her face is set in stone.

“I am, but I’d be equally as proud with any career choice. All three are incredible men with kind and generous hearts.”

Claude mutters something under his breath, obviously not agreeing.

“Let’s talk about the baby,” my dad says through a strained voice.

“Yes, Sasha, tell us about you and the baby. How are you feeling?” Mom’s attempt at sounding enthusiastic falls flat, and I have to hang my head to hide my amusement.

This opens the floodgates, and Sasha babbles endlessly about herself, making sure to highlight her promotion and notoriety in her firm. She starts discussing her pregnancy and how we were once again unable to determine the sex at yesterday’s appointment. Her mom hangs on her every word, while my mom oohs and ahhs along with them politely. There’s no sincerity, but the other two women don’t notice because they’re too caught up in discussing Sasha’s plans for an ostentatious nursery.

“Looks like these women can go on for hours about this shit. Would you two join me at the bar for a drink?” Claude motions to the bar behind us.

“I’ll pass on a drink. I’m flying out this afternoon.”

Sasha stops midsentence.

“Where are you going?” Ann questions me. “We were hoping you and Maria would join us shopping tomorrow, and hopefully give us a tour of your home.”

That’s pretty presumptuous. Ann is obviously going to try and push us together regardless.

“I’ll be out of town for work. I have a client, Perry Carver, playing in a hockey series this weekend.” I inwardly curse myself for name-dropping, but it does the trick.

Both Sasha and her mother’s eyes light up.

“When will you be home? We can plan something next weekend.”

“Actually, Ann, I’ll be out of town on business for a while. My return date is unknown at the moment.”

Sasha’s eyes narrow in suspicion, and I give a quick nod. It’s both a confirmation and a dare. I’m ready for her to question me further, probe into my trip. This is my attempt to be subtle and not embarrass her. I chose not to discuss her confrontation with Bizzy because I wasn’t sure I could remain civil. I did tell Caldwell to be ready to request a restraining order if it happened again.

Now, I communicate with her across the table, my eyes challenging. I decided to keep today’s discussion solely on us and leave Bizzy out, but if Sasha throws a fit, I’m ready.

“What about the baby?” Her mom is oblivious to our silent showdown.

“I’ll be here for the next appointment. If Sasha needs anything, she can reach me by phone or email. My mom will also be available.”

“Yes, let me give you my number in case you need anything.” Mom redirects the conversation, and I motion for the check.

It’s been hell, but it’s almost over. In five hours, it’ll all be worth it.

Chapter 25


“Honey, if you get this, call me. I’m worried about how your lunch went today. Hopefully, you’re not in jail. Ugh, that was lame. I know you’re not in jail, but call me.” I press end and throw my purse on the counter, plopping in a barstool.

It’s been hours since I heard from Shaw, and I’m almost desperate enough to call Maria. But I stop myself. She’s already on edge about everything, and the last thing she needs is to worry about me. A floral fragrance hits my nose, and I notice an enormous bouquet of flowers on the kitchen island. There’s a card sticking out of the top, and I smile widely. No wonder Claire was acting strange when she arrived for her shift. She must have been here when they were delivered.

I walk over, removing the card, and feel the butterflies start to flutter at the nine simple words.

Sharing you is hard, but forever is my reward…


I hold the card to my chest and smell the flowers, wishing I could hear him.

“I thought you’d never get home.” His deep voice sounds behind me, and I wonder if I’ve imagined it.

I spin on my heel and let out a scream when I find him leaning against the wall with a sexy grin. My heart leaps into my throat, and Copyright 2016 - 2024