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at Nick.

Claire notices, too, and guides him away before he can be swarmed, as I make my way to the salad bar. Nothing really looks appealing, but I force myself to make a plate.

Someone walks up behind me, and the hair on my arms stand. It’s been years, but the familiar stench of perfume invades my nose and I know in my gut it’s her. I stop piling my container and close it quickly, praying I’m imaging this. But when I turn, I’m facing her.

A very grown-up, very beautiful, and obviously pregnant Sasha Crane.

“I thought that was you, but curiosity got the best of me and I had to see for myself.” She steps close with an evil smirk on her face.

I stare at her blankly, saying nothing.

“Well, when I saw Nicky here, I was surprised, but I guess he’s just as excited to hear whether he’s having a nephew or a niece today.” She moves her hands to her baby bump, and my stomach knots.

Still silent, I try to side-step her, but she’s fast, staying in my line of sight.

“You do know Ren and I are having a baby, right?”

“I’m very aware.” I finally find my voice and push myself between people to get away from her, but she follows.

“I wasn’t sure how close you and Nicky still are. With him being so successful, I was certain he’d lost interest.”

“Actually, I’m still very close with the whole family, not only Nicky,” I respond through gritted teeth.

“Huh, Ren didn’t mention it, not that I really care. We have more important things going on.”

Yep, still a bitch. It’s on the tip of my tongue to blurt out my relationship, but I hold back. My hands start to shake as I get in line to pay for my salad, and she stands too close behind me.

“I wonder if Mathis and Nicky will be joining us at my appointment today. Ren says everyone is very excited. His parents are beside themselves with joy.”

Knowing that she’s lying, anger starts to build. I hand my money to the cashier and make a move to get as far away as possible and keep my mouth shut. Losing my cool in the hospital cafeteria would cause a scene I don’t want to have to explain to HR.

Luck is not on my side because, when I round the corner, there’s a large group waiting at the elevators. I’ll have to catch the next available. She walks up, carrying a large bottle of orange juice, and purposely stops beside me.

“My doctor suggested I have a full bladder today so we can see the baby easier, but I’m already sure it’s a boy. Ren’s the type of man who produces boys. He’s already mentioned naming him after his father. We’re going to discuss it at brunch tomorrow.”

Her dig hits hard because I know Shaw would love to name his son after his father. But there’s no way he would tell her this. He still won’t give her his address. Why would he share something so personal?

“Do you even know his father’s name?” I ask in a syrupy sweet voice, knowing the answer.

“Of course.” Her sneer fades.

“You’re lying. I know you’re lying so stop with the act.”

“How dare you!”

“I know you’re lying, Sasha, because tomorrow is Nicky’s game. Seth and Maria don’t miss home games, and tomorrow is no exception. By the way, Seth and Maria are the guy’s parents.”

Her face twists in another nasty scowl. Then her lips turn up into a wicked grin. It’s a grin I know well, sending flashbacks through my mind.

It’s the devil’s grin.

She starts to open her mouth, and I brace, ready for anything. For the first time in my life, I’m not intimidated.

“Bizzy!” Nicky’s deep voice startles me, and I turn to see him stalking out of the elevator to me. His eyes move to Sasha and flash in anger. He ignores her completely, walking to me and tucking me to his side. “What’s taking you so long?”


“Well, come on.” He continues to ignore her and waves to a man behind us to hold the elevator.

“We were catching up. I was telling her how excited everyone is about the baby. Are you and Mathis coming to the doctor’s office to wait for the news?” she gushes, moving her hand to her stomach again for effect.

“Nope.” He doesn’t look at her at all but instead stares at me intensely, looking for any sign of discomfort.

“That’s a shame. I know Ren would really love to Copyright 2016 - 2024