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right thing, so it’s time you have some faith in yourself and in Bizzy. She’s stronger than you think.” Mathis steps in front of me, blocking my view of her.

I step to the right, he steps to the left, remaining in my path. Nick moves to his shoulder, caving me in and forcing me to meet their worried stares.

“I’ll give myself a break when I can close my eyes and not replay the pure anguish and torture on Bizzy’s face when she found out about the baby.”

“So, never?” Nick rumbles, undoubtedly knowing my thoughts.

“Boys, why are you huddled in the back of this box when there’s a game happening?” Bizzy wiggles in between us all.

“Nick’s pouting about your choice of shirts,” I semi-lie, trying to hide the seriousness of our conversation.

She rolls her eyes and places her hands on her hips, directing her aggravation to him. “Still? Joe sent this to me. I want to support him. You should want to support him, too! He’s a new client of Shaw’s, and he could win a World Series at the age of twenty-five. That’s incredible. Stop being a big baby!”

Mathis and I don’t try to hide our amusement at her tearing into Nick, who’s looking at her with his own lips twitching.

“Not to mention, his popularity and success is helping Shaw pay for the fancy as hell boat being delivered next week.”

At this, Nick’s face falls, and he shoves his beer at Mathis. He bends to pick her up, but she’s faster, scattering around to use me as protection.

“That’s not funny, Lizbeth. Take it back.”

“It is funny. You should have seen your face. Such a sour sport!” She vibrates against my back, giggling.

He opens his mouth to argue, but I shoot him a glare, telling him to shut up. This is the first time in weeks she’s been playful and carefree. Fuck his pride.

I twist into her, lowering until we’re eye level, and drop my mouth on hers. She smiles against my lips, using her tongue to trace them. A rumble rolls in my throat, and she throws her arms around my shoulders, kissing me quickly before breaking away.

“You’re not jealous of me wearing Joe’s shirt, are you?”

“Insanely jealous. Possessiveness pulsates through my veins. But knowing tonight, I’ll be deep inside you, naked in my arms, screaming my name, helps tamper the urge to rip it off.”

Loud yells erupt around us as everyone in the box stands cheering. Someone screams about a homerun, but I don’t even look.

All I see is the beauty shining in Bizzy’s eyes. For the first time since Sasha showed her face at my office almost six weeks ago, I have a sense of happiness.

Chapter 20


“You have some nerve! Where the hell have you been?” Sasha’s shrill screech jolts me, and I spin in my chair to find her barging into my office.

I make a quick excuse and hang up the phone, looking around for Gail, and remember she’s notarizing some documents in the conference room.

“How the hell did you get in here?”

“I’m the one asking the questions! Where the hell have you been?”

“That’s none of your business.”


I ignore her long enough to send Gail a text to get back here. Then I stand and move as far opposite from Sasha as possible. The last thing I need is her to fabricate any kind of lie while we have no witnesses.

“Answer me. Where have you been? I’ve been trying to contact you for a week.”

“I’ll remind you, all communication goes through Caldwell.”

“That’s ridiculous, Ren! We’re having a baby, and what you did to me last week with my mom was terrible. I was humiliated!”

“Not my problem.”

Come on, Gail! Hurry!

“It is your problem, too! My mom was so excited and you ruined it! ”

“You told her we were a couple. You lied to her.”

“I had to! You left me no choice.”

“Not my monkey, not my circus.”

If looks could kill, I’d be a dead man. Her eyes grow so wide, I see the blood vessels straining. Splotches form up her arms and across her chest. Her hands move to her stomach protectively, and she hisses when she speaks. “Do you have no decency? We’re having a baby, and you—”

“Shaw? Should I call security?” Gail finally comes in.

“No, but I think it’s time we figure out how Miss Crane continues to get through reception.”

“For God’s sake, who cares? We have things to discuss, privately.” Sasha sits down and gives Gail a dismissive glance.

It’s all I can do to hold in Copyright 2016 - 2024