Hotshot - Ahren Sanders Page 0,5

all except knowing she’s an easy lay. Even then, I’ve been drunk each time we’ve fucked.

“Need to go,” I repeat and avoid looking at her.

“You’re going to regret those words, Ren Bennett. I could be the best thing that has ever happened to you!”

I practically run out of her house. Lesson learned. Even if my dick only gets release from my hand for a while, stay the fuck away from Sasha Crane.

“Get me three million and I’ll get you a contract with a signature,” I tell the rep on the other line then wait for his excuses.

As if it’s a common script, this guy spouts off the same shit I hear every day negotiating endorsement deals. Everyone wants the big names, but nobody wants to pay. This time, though, they want Nick, and I don’t budge.

This guy’s voice drones on, and my eyes start to close until my assistant, Gail, bangs on the window between our offices. She makes the motion to ‘wrap it up’ and shoots me a knowing look.

“Hate to cut this short, but a situation has come up. Call me when you get your head out of your ass. Having Nick Bennett promote your product isn’t cheap. The preseason starts in a few weeks. Don’t forget he’s got the best arm in the league right now. His defenders are protective and his receivers on fire. You want the best, you pay.” I drop the receiver and look back up to see Bizzy walking through the office in her nursing scrubs.

She stops to give Gail a hug and talks for a few seconds. Gail’s eyes slice to mine, and I go on alert. When Bizzy turns to me, I know there are about ten seconds to get her in my arms before she loses it.

I round my desk as she comes straight to me. As soon as I have her firmly in my grip, she bursts into tears. Gail brings in a bottle of water then closes my door and initiates the privacy shades.

I slide my hands up and unlatch the clip holding her hair on top of her head. My fingers work through her thick waves until they gently massage her scalp. This is one of many soothing motions I’ve discovered helps to calm her in the rare times she allows herself to break down.

“Get it out, Bizzy. Give it to me. I’m not letting go,” I say softly into the top of her head.

She tightens her arms around my waist and cries harder. Each tremor and shake pierces my heart. Usually, the sound of my voice eases her, but today, it seems to do the opposite. Instead of calming, she wails deeper.

The sound resembles an injured animal, begging for relief. There’s only twice in my life she’s shown this level of pain and vulnerability, and it hits me in the gut. She’s losing a patient.

“Sweetie, how old?”


Each tear she sheds is absorbed straight into my skin, branding me with her ache. With one hand still massaging her head, I move the other to her back.

Finally, her breath grows shallow and she loosens her hold. “I’m sorry, Shaw. I tried to go home, but my car brought me here. I think I was on auto-pilot when I left the hospital.”

“Tell me.” I walk us back to the sofa and maneuver so she’s in my lap. It’s an intimate gesture, but she needs me right now, and I’ll do anything to lessen the burden she carries. When she looks up, fear and sadness cloud her beautiful face. Even bloodshot and full of tears, her eyes are mesmerizing.

“The treatments aren’t working. His family would like to try some alternative medicines, but we all know it’s only a matter of time. Evie suggested bringing a Hospice team to keep him comfortable. It looks like the cancer won.”

“Jesus.” I pull her back to me and kiss her forehead lightly. “Honey, I think it’s time you ask for a transfer. Pediatric Oncology is killing you. It’s too close to the heart, especially with your history.

“No, Shaw. Being with these kids is where I belong. I love my job.”

This is an argument we’ve had frequently, one no one wins. Even Bizzy’s parents begged her to reconsider Pediatric Oncology when she applied for the position. We all encouraged her to stay in MedSurg, but she refused.

“I know, but it hurts to see you so affected.”

“There’s more,” she whispers so softly, I almost miss it.

“It’s Nicky. This young boy, Grady, looks so much like Nicky. Copyright 2016 - 2024