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and Darren Jackson.”

A low, throaty, rumble escapes, and Mathis starts to cough to cover my jealousy. “Shaw was telling me about the weekend.” He shoots me a look, telling me to get it together.

I glance over my shoulder and catch Bizzy watching me through the window. She purses her lips, trying to hide her amusement. I raise an eyebrow and give a slight nod to let her know it’s not funny.

She throws her head back laughing, and Claire starts shaking her finger at me. It takes all the willpower I have not to stalk to her, throw her over my shoulder, and haul her to her bedroom, showing her exactly how I feel about her discussing the ‘hotness factor’ of other men. Especially the same men who took every opportunity to razzle me by flirting their asses off with her.

The thought of teaching her a lesson and showing just how possessive I am sends a message to my dick, which starts to twitch. Images of her writhing under me as I fuck her until she begs for mercy, then pounding every thought of other men out of her head, play through my mind.

My tongue darts out, licking my lower lip and pinning her with my eyes. As if she knows every dirty thought flowing through my mind, she stops laughing, and her face starts to flush.

Oh yeah, I’m definitely—

“Shaw, did you hear me?” Nick’s irritated voice breaks me out of my sexual haze.

“Nope, I was thinking about work,” I lie, turning to him. “It’s going to be a bitch this week.”

“I’d think you’d be the golden boy for at least a month with the clients you just landed.”

“Well, now the real work begins.” I focus on my brothers and explain the upcoming contracts that need to be drafted, the change of representation press releases, and the initial outreach to endorsement holders to explain the changes. Not to mention my current roster of clients.

We talk for a while longer and eventually join Bizzy and Claire back in the house. I almost kiss Mathis when he finally decides it’s time to go. Since he’s my ride, I force myself to leave, whispering in Bizzy’s ear that I’ll be back soon. Tonight, we’re staying at her house. She nods, flushed again, and moves out of my hug to walk us all out.

It kills me when we drive away, but I know in less than one hour, I’ll have her again.

Naked and calling my name. The bed, the wall, the sofa… Oh yeah, all of it sounds good.

Chapter 10


I make my last note, close the patient chart, and stack it with the others, then drop my head down on the desk. It’s been a long shift filled with highs and lows. My heart aches as I remember Nurse Evie sitting down next to me in the lounge on my first break. It was obvious something was wrong, so I braced for the worst. When she told me Grady wasn’t responding to the small amounts of natural medicines, I knew there was no more hope.

Hearing the news reconfirmed why I became a nurse. So I spent a little more time with each child, telling jokes, playing cards, and coloring pictures. It was as much for them as it was for me. I needed the time with them, knowing there was a level of pain and discomfort, but at the same time, a sliver of hope in their eyes.

It took every bit of energy I had to finish the charting, and I wish I could snap my fingers and be home, in bed, and preferably with Shaw holding me.

“You’re supposed to come back from vacation rested, you look terrible.” Claire plops down beside me and lays her head on her arms.

“I probably should have slept yesterday, but I couldn’t. Now, I’m paying for it. I’ll bounce back. Another shift should do it.”

“I brought clothes. I’m coming home with you.”


“We’re sleeping for at least six hours.”

“Sounds good,” I mumble.

“Then you’re going to tell me every single detail of your weekend.”

“Thought I already did that.”

“I want the scandalous stuff. Don’t think you’re getting off that easy. Although, by the look of you when you started this shift, I’d say you’ve been ‘getting off’ a lot with Shaw Bennett.” She cackles at her own joke, and I jump out of my chair, making sure no one heard her.

Unfortunately, no such luck. Nurse Evie is less than five feet away. She covers her mouth too late to disguise her Copyright 2016 - 2024