Hotshot - Ahren Sanders Page 0,20

I’ll stand back and we can return to the way things were, but I couldn’t hide my feelings any longer.”

She stares at me blankly for too long, and I start to sweat. Then she leaps up, taking me by surprise, and wraps her whole body around me. I stumble a bit to find my footing, moving my arms to balance her on my waist. Her lips touch mine quickly, then she kisses along my jaw until reaching my ear. “Don’t you dare. I’m crazy about you, too.”

Her high pitch rings in my ears as her words sink in. She leans back, bracing her hands on my shoulders and locking eyes with me. Her smile lights up her face, and I move in for another kiss.

“Shaw,” she mutters against my lips.


“This may be a little too much too soon, but I’ve been crazy about you since I was fourteen years old.”

Her confession stirs a need inside me. I turn and stalk up the beach with her still in my arms. She tries to wiggle free when we pass the pool, but I hold tighter.

That one kiss left me craving more.

There’s no doubt, I’ll always crave more when it comes to Bizzy.

Chapter 6


I smooth my hands down my dress, silently thanking Claire for insisting we go shopping. Butterflies flutter in my stomach, and I take a few deep breaths, trying to calm them. I lean in to smell the flowers Shaw brought me this afternoon as I grab my purse and take one last look in the mirror.

The rumpled sheets on the bed reflect back at me, and the butterflies go back into overdrive. An hour ago, I woke up in that bed with Shaw’s arms curled around me.

After he carried me in from the beach, he took me straight to my room. We spent hours kissing and talking until I fell asleep on his chest as he ran his fingers lazily through my hair. The skin on my neck still tingles where he woke me up with his lips, apologizing that we had to get ready for dinner.

“I’m about five seconds away from calling Gail to cancel tonight.” He startles me, and my throat goes dry when I catch sight of him leaning against the doorframe. He’s abandoned his standard business suit, instead wearing slacks with a button down open at the neck, his sleeves rolled up to his elbows. I swallow several times, trying to find my voice.

His eyes rake up and down my body slowly, stopping when they meet mine. “You look incredible.”

Warmth ripples through me at his compliment, and I go to him, lifting on my toes to brush my lips across his. “You look very handsome yourself.”

“I’m serious about canceling.”

“Should I be insulted that this is the second night in a row you’ve mentioned canceling?” I raise an eyebrow, teasing him.

His eyes transform into a smoldering golden color as he licks his bottom lip seductively. My knees go weak as the air thickens between us.

“I’m a selfish son of a bitch, Bizzy, and the thought of sharing you, even for a few hours, is driving me crazy.” There’s a huskiness in his voice that has me struggling to breathe.

“But these are your clients. This is important,” I whisper, sounding unconvincing.

“Fuck them.” He kisses along my lips. “They’ll understand.”

“We can’t,” I force out, grasping his arm for support. He seals his mouth over mine until I melt into his body. He presses me close, kissing me deep, his tongue teasing me with gentle strokes until I moan.

His body goes solid, and I feel the length of his erection against my stomach. He stops mid-kiss and moves back, his eyes locking with mine. I shudder at the intensity of his stare.

“One kiss, one moan, and I’m a fucking goner. Never in my life, ever, have I felt the way I do when you’re in my arms. If you can control me with just a kiss, God knows what will happen…” He stops himself, and I wait, hanging on his words. His grip loosens as my pulse starts to race.

“What will happen when?”

The raw sex appeal I’ve always felt around him, now seeps all the way to my bones.

His face breaks into a small smile, and he pecks my cheek before taking my hand in his, lifting it to his mouth and kissing my knuckles.

“Your call, stay or go?”

I blink away the haze and reluctantly answer. “We should go.”

He grins at my hesitation and nods. “When we get back, we’ll Copyright 2016 - 2024