Hotshot - Ahren Sanders Page 0,18

gives a strained chuckle.

I snap into agent mode, trying to ease the tension. “Therapy is not shit. I recommend all my clients at least try it.”

“You going to tell these jokers you’re vetting this weekend?”

“Nope, that’s in the fine print.” It’s my turn to laugh.

“Hard ass bastard.”

“Listen, Nicky, I get you. I get everywhere you’re coming from, and thank you for sharing. But you can trust me. Starting tomorrow, I’ll make sure she has the time of her life. Besides a few dinners, I’ve got plans to keep her mind occupied and give her some much deserved relaxation.”

“I trust you, Shaw, but there are only a few people who have that honor. Tell her to call me when she can and I’ll relax.”

“You focus on getting your head in the game and showing those fuckers what you can do. Don’t get hurt and don’t be stupid.”

“Get my best friend to call me and I promise you’ll make your salary.” Without another word, he hangs up.

I sit in silence and notice we’re idling outside the hotel with the driver waiting patiently. He gives me a warm smile and thanks me when I tip him generously.

Making my way inside, I stop by the gift shop and pick up a bouquet of flowers before heading upstairs. We have five hours before dinner, and I plan on spending it with Bizzy. The feeling of her in my arms last night and the news my brother shared has changed everything. I’m going in stronger and hope to God she’s on the same page.

“Tell me again, who’re we meeting with tonight?” Bizzy looks at me, nervously biting the inside of her cheek. “I don’t want to embarrass you.”

“I’ve told you a hundred times, you’d never embarrass me. We’re meeting with Joe Palos. He’s a baseball player. His agent is retiring this month and asked me to meet him because he’s an old acquaintance of mine.”

“Is he a good player?”

I raise my eyebrows and give her a look of disbelief. “Do I work with anyone besides the best?”

“Joe Palos, Joe… Joe… Joe…” she repeats. “Okay, I think I’ll remember.”

“Biz, relax.”

“I can’t. This is important. This could mean a lot of money for you.”

“I said relax.” I reach over to her chair and take her hand in mine. “It’s almost a done deal.”

“Why are you so calm? Couldn’t this mean millions of dollars? Surely, you have better things to do than hang out with me by the pool when you’re supposed to be here working.”

Her words are simple and sweet, her concern evident, but still they sting. I’ve always known she was selfless, but Nick’s words now ring in my ears. Nothing in the world is more important to me than spending the afternoon with her. Without knowing it, she’s given me the in I’ve been waiting for.

I throw my legs over my lounger and pull her to stand. She almost loses her balance until I circle my free arm around her waist and catch her. “Take a walk with me.”

She raises her head and looks at me from under the brim of her hat, her breath hitching as I skim my hand along the bare skin of her back.

“Walk. With. Me.” I repeat, and she gives me a slight nod.

I release her hand but keep my arm around her waist, leading her to the walkway and down to the beach.

“Do you think I’m good at my job, Bizzy?” I ask when we get to the shoreline, still holding her close.

“The absolute best, but you know this. I’ve always thought you were the best at what you do.”

“Tonight is only a formality, more of a ‘getting to know you’ dinner. We’ll talk about the season, the highs, the lows, and then we’ll move on to easier subjects. I’ve already done my research on Joe, and he on me. Joe’s big on chemistry, and I admire that. If we have professional chemistry and we both walk away feeling this relationship is mutually beneficial and respectful, he’ll fly to Miami and sign a contract. He’s at the tail end of the season and doing well. His team looks like they could go all the way. His agent is retiring for health reasons, so the timing is critical.”

“He’ll love you, Shaw. If tonight is all about getting to know you, he’s a done deal.”

Pride floods through my system and my chest swells. She’s always been supportive and excited about my job, but her words seep into me. Suddenly, everything that has Copyright 2016 - 2024