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if anything goes wrong with him or any complications arise, she’s to blame.

Now, my focus moves to Bizzy.

“The doctors say she’s going to be fine, Shaw,” Rory tells me for the fifth time, and I chuckle under my breath.

“I’ll do anything if she’ll open her eyes.” I kiss each of her knuckles and caress the empty space her engagement ring used to sit. It had to be removed when she went into surgery. The nurse brought it to Rory when she arrived, and Rory gave it to me when I returned.

I got back from the maternity wing right as the doctor came out to talk to the family. Bizzy’s injuries are mostly on her left side due to the multiple impacts. She has a broken collarbone and dislocated shoulder, broken wrist, and three broken ribs. Her entire chest area and across her hips are severely bruised from the seatbelt. The airbag left burns and bruises on her face and chest, but it ultimately saved her life. Originally, when she was brought in, the blood from her head wound is what alarmed the doctors the most, and the fact she was unresponsive and there could have been a punctured lung.

They were able to rouse her after surgery, but since then, she’s been asleep. I’ve only left her side to take my parents to the NICU to see how ‘Baby B’ is doing. From what I understand, Sasha is resting, but I haven’t been back to speak to her. Nor do I give a shit.

Nick moves in beside me and nudges me gently. “You need to move.”

“Hell no,” I say, plainly irritated.

“I will jack your ass across the room if you don’t let me get to her.”

“I will throw your ass out the window if you try to move me from my fiancée’s side.”

“Boys!” Rory scolds us, not hiding her grin.

“Sorry, Rory, but I figure if this ass will move, I can talk her into waking up,” Nick explains, turning on his stupid fucking charm.

Tom’s standing behind Rory and drops his head to her shoulder, shielding his own smile.

“Don’t test me, Nick.”

“Not testing you, but it’s time she wakes up. Your kissing and looming isn’t doing it. Let me try.”

I’m ready to say more, when there’s a knock on the door and Mathis pokes his head inside. “You need to come with me.” He’s looking straight at me.

The somewhat playful mood disappears as the air in the room goes still. My chest tightens, and my mind flashes to the baby.

“Is he okay?” I jump up, Nick right by my side.

“Yes, he’s great. This is about something else.”

It’s written all over his face. He’s trying to hold back, but there is a bite to his words, and he’s struggling to remain calm.

I look at Rory and Tom, and they both give me silent approval to step out, knowing I don’t want to leave Bizzy’s side. Nick is beside me the whole way as we follow Mathis to a large, private room. Two police officers sit at the table, one I recognize from earlier.

“Mr. Bennett, Mr. Bennett.” They stand and acknowledge Nick and me at the same time.

“Shaw and Nick,” I correct them and shake hands quickly. “What’s this about?”

“Mr. Benn—, I mean Shaw, we were the first to arrive at the scene of your fiancée’s accident today. The ambulance was very close behind. We have the nine-one-one call and several witness accounts. It seems Lizbeth was trying to get Miss Crane to the hospital, due to fear of her water breaking. Witnesses from other vehicles have reported that the car started swerving then spinning out of control. Luckily, only one other car was clipped, minimal damage and no injuries.”

“Well, that’s good,” I grumble, not even thinking others could have been injured. “But what I don’t understand is how this happened. There is no reason Bizzy and Sasha should have been around each other.”

One of the officers sets a handheld recording device on the table and shoots me a worried glance. “We have a statement from Miss Crane.”

“That skank doesn’t have much credibility. I’d be careful to believe what comes out of her fucking mouth,” Nick seethes, his anger growing with each word.

“I think we get the picture. It seems she had some issues with Lizbeth and openly admits approaching her this morning in your parking garage. According to her, their argument became heated, and she started showing signs of early labor. Lizbeth was trying to help her, get her to the hospital,” the Copyright 2016 - 2024