Hotshot - Ahren Sanders Page 0,121

it’s time to grow up and move on.”

Her face reddens, and the room takes on a new chill. “She’ll always be the cancer girl who used her illness to gain sympathy. It’s sickening. I won’t subject my child to her level.”

I’m done. This was a huge mistake, and I have to leave before I say things that can’t be retracted. This woman is aiming for ammunition to use against me, and it’s close to working. I start for the door, and she catches me by the arm, digging her nails in. Even through the fabric of my shirt, I feel the pinching of skin.

“We were fine. Things were going well for us. I could see you coming around to accept this and even open your eyes to the possibility of us working things out.”

“You mistook my kindness and deference. I love my son, and therefore would do anything for him, even if that meant submitting to your demands. It was all for him. Don’t fool yourself into thinking it was anything more.”

“That’s absolute bullshit! Things were going exactly as planned. With her gone, we were moving forward, building a foundation that would have eventually worked out. I saw the way you started to look at me. She should have taken the fucking job and stayed in North Carolina.”

My body turns solid, struggling to see through the red haze as her words sink in. “What did you say?”

She realizes her mistake too late.

“What was going exactly as planned? And what the fuck do you know about Bizzy’s job offer?”

“I did what I had to do to get you to see reason. You were being ridiculous, following her to Charlotte like a fool. Leaving your life and responsibilities behind. I knew once you found out we were having a boy, you’d change your tune.”

“The sex of this child didn’t matter. I’ve always loved them.”

“Well, lucky for me, once I knew it was a boy, I had more leverage, and it worked to my advantage. Getting you home was easier than I thought.”

Once I knew it was a boy… replays over in my mind, and I start to shake.

“Sasha, how did you know it was a boy? And what do you mean about getting me home?”

We’re so close, I can see her pupils flare at the sharpness in my tone.

“It doesn’t matter, Ren, because I’m giving you one last chance. Make a decision here and now.”

“Bizzy is going to be my wife, and you need to learn how to deal with that.”

“You’d choose her over your own son, because essentially, that’s what you’re doing.”

“There is no choice. It was a period of weakness, me thinking I couldn’t have both, but I can and I will. This child will never feel unloved because I won’t allow it. He’s going to grow up in an environment where, hopefully, his parents can find it in themselves to hide their disdain for one another and put their differences aside. I’ll make sure of it.”

I pry her fingers loose and finally reach the door. No more words are exchanged as I haul ass away from her.

This time she’s gone too far and fucked with the wrong man. Her manipulation is over; she has no more control over me. And she’d better stay the hell away from Bizzy.

Chapter 32


I look around the condo and notice the door to the balcony open. That’s where I find Shaw sitting, with a half-empty bottle in one hand and a full tumbler in the other. He stares at the dark sky, still dressed in his suit pants and dress shirt from this morning. I’ve had a nagging feeling all day that something was wrong, knowing he had another appointment with Sasha.

In the five weeks since he left her house, she has changed her attitude, no longer including Shaw in anything. Her calls and texts have stopped. There are no updates, and she refuses to answer his requests. He had to bring Caldwell back in the mix in order to get an update. Even then, it was a six-word email.

The baby is fine. Progressing nicely.

She’s switched her appointments without notifying him prior. She canceled all classes and rescinded his and his mother’s invitation to her baby showers. Basically, all ties are cut. Part of me wants to rejoice in celebration, but it’s hurting Shaw to miss so much at this point.

“Hey, sweetheart.” I go to him quickly.

He moves his arms, allowing room for me to sit. I wrap my arms around his neck and Copyright 2016 - 2024