Hot Player (Hot Billionaire Daddies #7) - Suzanne Hart Page 0,36

and then steps in my direction. I don’t want him coming any closer. I’m afraid I’ll melt.

“Kim, I am not rejecting you. Do you understand?”

What is going on? I am so freakin’ lost! All I can do is stare at him and hope he comes up with a decent explanation.

“I want to be with you, and I consider it a privilege that you want your first time to be with me,” he continues.

My heart screeches to a stop in my chest. Am I really hearing these words? Is Kirk saying them to me?

“But not like this. I don’t want your first time to be on my terms, in a rush, or something you will regret later. I want it to be perfect for you.”

My chest is heaving; he is staring right at me, and this time, there’s that handsome smirk dancing on his lips. The smirk I don’t see very often. Almost never. Am I one of the lucky ones he has given the gift of his smile?

“I’m going to go now, but this is not goodbye. This is not the end for you and me,” he adds.

I watch as he pushes his hands into the pockets of his pants. The smile remains on his face, and he swings around and walks to my door. I still haven’t been able to say a word. I haven’t even been able to catch my breath, to be honest. I’m still recovering from our kiss.

Kirk opens the door and steps out. Before he disappears down the corridor, he turns to give me a parting smile. He is so handsome! I press my legs together because I can’t contain the excitement mixed with desire mixed with impatience.

Is he seriously going to leave me hanging like this?

How am I going to sleep tonight?

How will I sleep any night after this until he has taken me? Until I have given myself to him.

Kirk has shut my front door behind himself, and I have to summon every last shred of willpower to not chase after him.

He is right.

He is being a gentleman and doing the right thing.

He wants to make my first time special. Although I know it will be special as long as I get to share that moment with him.

Now I just have to find a way to cope until that moment.

I climb into bed with my heart still skipping.

I know I’m going to fantasize about him tonight. My mind is buzzing from that kiss. From the promise of more to come. If just a kiss with him can make me feel this wild, what will sex do?

My phone pings and even though I wish it’s Kirk, it isn’t. Another text from Chase.

Kim, what’s up with you? I’ve been trying to make amends, but you won’t even see me. We need to talk!

This text doesn’t sound as friendly or warm as his previous ones did. This makes him sound more like the guy who said a lot of nasty things to me when we were breaking up. I can smell the passive-aggression from over here.

I consider replying but then I don’t.

The truth is I feel no inclination to meet Chase. Especially not now that Kirk is a part of my life. Maybe I would have been interested in meeting him before but not anymore.

I don’t want to do anything that might jeopardize the possibility of Kirk and me being together.

I don’t know when that is going to be or how it will happen, but I’m willing to wait. I feel like I have spent most of my life waiting to find the right guy. Waiting for the perfect timing. Now, I have one of them. The guy. I just have to wait a little longer for the perfect moment to show up, and then I won’t be a virgin anymore.



I am in a board meeting the next day, and through the glass walls, I can see Kim walking up the corridor.

She’s wearing a bright yellow dress that would make her stand out in a crowd. My eyes are just naturally drawn to her.

We haven’t had a chance to talk much today. I’ve been busy with meetings and presentations since nine in the morning. Last night was a big risk. I know that. It could have gone very badly if we weren’t on the same page. If she didn’t want the same thing I do. But now I know it isn’t all just in my head.

That buzzing sexual energy between us really exists, and it’s going Copyright 2016 - 2024