Hot Pickle - J.J. Knight Page 0,43

any moment.

I know we are way past the client relationship. She’s playing with me, and I am one-hundred percent onboard.

I couldn’t even have made a fantasy as good as this.

She spreads the cream along my thigh and wipes her finger on the towel.

“Now we wait.”

Her gaze drifts along my body. It falls on my cock, and she tilts her head, not even trying to hide that she’s looking.

I am absolutely dead. “I’m desperate to touch you,” I say.

She nods. “Your turn is next. You can wait for it.”

We sit a while longer. She checks the skin, determines it to be dry enough, and lays a tissue against where she has added color.

“Now for the other side.”

God. I’ll never make it.

She repeats the process. My hands itch to cup one of those breasts. I don’t even know if it’s appropriate. But here she is, mostly naked, and telling me I’ll be able to touch her soon.

Please let it be those glorious breasts.

The agony is intense.

After what feels like six years, she lays another tissue against my thigh.

“While that sets, I’ll show you one of my trouble spots.”

She passes the loofah to me and lifts her hair. “Right here on my neck.”

I press my fingers to her skin at last. It’s cool to my fevered touch, and I’m so overwhelmed to be near her naked body, I tremble.

“It all feels perfect to me,” I say.

She places her hand over mine and shifts it so my fingers graze this one spot that might be the slightest bit drier than the rest.

She tips the moisturizing bottle to my finger and squeezes out the barest bit. “Rub it into my skin.”

The tiny drop slides across her neck. I want to follow it with my mouth. But I do as she asks, letting the moisture seep into her pores.

Her head turns to face me. “I always get to choose what I do to you. I’ll let you choose what you want to touch next on me.”

“Stand up,” I tell her. “So I can decide.”

She does as I ask, standing before me, I take in her face, the tendrils of hair coming off her temples. Her shoulders, narrow and delicate.

And those breasts.

I can’t resist.

“I don’t think you tan those,” I say.

“More moisture never hurts.” She picks up a different lotion and places a bit on my palm. “Rub them together first, then do as you wish.”

She waits, a half-smile on her face. I rub my palms to spread the lotion. My groin is tight and swollen, almost painful. But it’s glorious, the anticipation so high for her, desperate for release.

I lift my hands and reach out for those two perfect breasts. She leans in.

My palms cup them, sliding across the radiant skin. Her nipples tighten, and my thumbs cross over them.

She sucks in a breath.

The light moisturizer gives them a glorious glow as I cover every inch. It’s cool at first, but as it sinks in, her skin becomes pliant and warm.

I never want to stop touching her.

Her legs waver, and I shift one hand to her hips to pull her closer. Then, I continue to knead her breasts, far beyond what is necessary to apply the lotion.

But she stands there, her eyes closed, her breath shallow and even.

The urge is fierce to take her nipple in my mouth. I want it with the desperation of a man leaving the desert and heading toward water.

But that’s not part of the plan here. She’s evening the score, allowing me to touch her as she has touched me so many times.

I will obey the rules.

Her eyes flutter open. “Your thighs should be dry.”

Reluctantly, I release her breasts. “What now?”

“We’re ready for the spray,” she says.


“It’s only fair,” she says. “I’ll have you spray me first, so you don’t accidentally damage yours doing mine.”

The idea that my fantasy is about to come true causes a bit of pre-come to slip from the tip of my cock.

“You trust me not to destroy your perfect skin?”

“I’ll give you the lightest color. It won’t hurt anything, even if you’re sloppy.”

She removes the tissues, and I follow her to the tanning tent. The swimsuit bottom is a thong, and I get a glorious view of her perfect round ass as she pulls a small tank out of the cabinet. “The palest pale,” she says, and I take in everything as she bends over. God, I am hot for her.

She hands me the wand. “The trick is to move swiftly and evenly. Neck and down.”

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