Hot Pickle - J.J. Knight Page 0,16

picture of the schedule with my phone, in case I lose the book.”


“The competition is in thirteen days. So, Wednesday or Thursday for the first round? I’m pretty booked during the day, but evening might work better for you anyway. After you close here?” Her head is tilted down toward the pages, but her eyes lift to look at me. Those fringed lashes get to me. It’s the same expression I saw when she was on her knees applying the tan.

I scoot closer to the table when my cock jumps. Down, boy.

“Wednesday is our late night, and I usually stay to the end. Thursday would be better.”

She pulls a pencil from a loop on the outside of the book. “Thursday evening it is. Seven? Eight?”

“Where are you located? I might be able to make seven.”

“Not far from Buster’s Gym.”

“That’s close to here,” I say. “So, seven works. Any special instructions?”

She closes her notebook. “Unlike your final tan, which should be done wearing the trunks so you don’t have to slide them on and off, your base tan should be done without the possibility of tan lines. I will be using a spray, and we will go slowly and carefully to make sure we avoid fine lines in between your muscles. Drink lots of water, let those muscles fill out. We don’t need you to be super cut for the base. We want the tan to be able to get in all the crevices.”

Pro Tan never told me any of these things. I nod. “So wear something loose and plan to be naked.”

The word naked makes an elderly woman I served earlier turn toward me with a big smile. I lean forward. “That’s what you’re saying, right? I should skip underwear altogether, so I won’t have to wrangle it on afterward?”

I’m not positive, but I think Camryn’s cheeks pink up a shade. “Most of my clients find it best to wear only loose shorts and an oversized tank top for the sessions. Plus, slip-on shoes. What’s your number so I can remind you of your appointment and send the address?”

Even though she’s all business, her eyes lock on mine as we both seem to consider my lack of clothing ahead. My mouth goes dry, but I manage to give her my number.

She nods, setting her pencil down. Then, watching my face, she lifts the pickle from her plate and takes a hearty chomp.

Oh, she’s going to regret taking a bite that big.

I wait while she sucks in a breath, her eyes watering. “Oh my gosh! It really is a hot pickle!”

I have nothing to say to that.



I’ve almost got everything ready for Max’s arrival.

The screens are set up for where he’ll change.

The tanning tent is prepped so the spray won’t hit my walls or settle on my rugs.

The ceiling fan is set on high to keep the room aired out.

But I’m feeling guilty.

I can tell you why, right? You’re a random spectator and can’t tell Max a single thing.

But you wouldn’t do that anyway, right?

Good. I knew I could trust you.

So here goes.

Max doesn’t need a tan this early.

Don’t worry, I’m not trying to bilk him out of money. I’m not even going to charge him for this session.

I want to see him.

The tan’s the excuse.

It’s what you would do, right? If you had access to the perfect man?

I can’t waste any time.

Since meeting him on Sunday, I’ve been waiting for the brotherly shoe to drop, for Max to tell Franklin I’m doing his tan again. For Franklin to call and do a lot of yelling.

But it hasn’t happened.

So, Max clearly hasn’t mentioned it.

Maybe he knows somehow not to.

And I definitely haven’t mentioned it.

I certainly know not to.

I pass the full-length oval mirror set into a frame in the corner.

Am I ready to see Max again?

My hair is pulled back into a ponytail. There’s no changing that, as I can’t let it get in the way of my work.

I’m wearing a black yoga top and pants with a bit of flair on the bottom. It’s best not to have anything loose or flappy, as I could brush against a wet tan.

And bare feet. I work best that way. I did paint my toenails a soft green. I’m not sure why. Green is for go, maybe?

I’m so nervous.

Max is the full package. Gorgeous, funny, fit, hot. He owns his own business. I can tell from the way he banters with his employees that he’s a good boss.

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