Hot Neighbor (Hot Billionaire Daddies #8) - Suzanne Hart Page 0,53

side indulgently.

“I can’t because we’re in my apartment.”

I chuckle and sit up to face her.

“Yeah, or we could spend the night together. It’s not like we have to worry about Anya tonight.”

“And what about the morning when her grandmother brings her over?”

“We can all have breakfast together,” I suggest.

Blaire’s eyes grow wide. I guess I’m just as surprised as she is by my suggestion.

“I…I don’t know if that’s a good idea, Trevor,” she says and stands up. I watch as she begins collecting her clothes off the floor and puts them on.

“I know it’s not a good idea. It opens up a whole can of worms. Especially since Anya has now started talking about her mom and how you would make a good mom.”

Blaire has her back turned to me. She doesn’t want to look at me. She’s drinking the wine that’s left in her glass. Gulps it down, then picks up my discarded glass and drinks from that too.

What did I say? I know I’ve said something that has bothered her. Fuck it! I always screw things up!

“Listen, Blaire…” I begin as I stand up.

She flips around to look at me. Her eyes are glassy. That look of defiance and pride has returned to her face.

“Don’t worry, Trevor. You don’t have to give Anya any explanations. Like I said, it’s better if you just leave now so we don’t have to answer any of her questions tomorrow,” she says.

I clench my jaw tight. Yeah, maybe I should just walk away.

“No. I’m not going anywhere,” I reply instead.

I wrap my arms around Blaire as I stand behind her. We’ve switched all the lights off in her apartment so we’re shrouded in darkness except for the city’s skyline, which is bright and alive. We’re standing at the tall windows at the end of the living room, looking out.

She tilts her head to the side, and I can’t help but kiss the flawless skin on her neck.

When I told her I was staying, she had stared at me in shock. I was fully prepared for battle. Her pride was getting in the way. She was going to ask me to leave because she didn’t think I really wanted to stay.

So I decided I was going to prove to her exactly how much I did.

I kissed her again. Long and hard. My hands were all over her, I touched her throbbing pussy, stroked her swollen clit until she finally pulled away from me, breathless and smiling. Her cheeks were flushed red.

“Okay! Okay…you can stay.”

After that, we poured ourselves some more wine and raided her fridge. The only thing we could find to eat were grapes, some crackers, and dark chocolate.

“This will do!” I exclaimed and broke pieces of chocolate and fed them to her while she giggled and fed me grapes.

Then we decided to take a bath together. We were both sweaty and flushed and it was a great idea.

I sank into the tub with her and we kissed some more, playing with the bubbles and wrapping each other in our limbs.

I don’t think we have ever spent this much time in each other’s company, and especially not without a fight. Maybe neither of us are really thinking about what the morning is going to bring or what will happen when reality sets in.

Tonight is perfect, and we don’t want to consider anything else.

She handed me a towel, which I dried myself with and then tied at my waist. Blaire wrapped herself in a fluffy pink bathrobe. Her damp hair had fallen all around her face and shoulders like a silken curtain.

After our bath, we found our way to the window to look out at the city. I can’t stop touching her, so I wrap her in my arms like this. She settles backwards, pressing herself to my chest. Everything looks so quiet and peaceful from up here.

“Is it crazy that I want tonight to last forever?” she says, looking up at me. I kiss the tip of her nose and smile.

“No, it’s not crazy. I don’t think I have ever been at peace like this before.”

She weaves her fingers with mine and turns to face me. We snuggle into each other, and she rests her cheek on my chest. I feel a painful ache in my chest there. Like she has somehow reached in and squeezed my heart with her hands. I’m not sure why I feel like this. What am I supposed to do now?

I stroke her hair to distract myself. Copyright 2016 - 2024