Hot Neighbor (Hot Billionaire Daddies #8) - Suzanne Hart Page 0,33

Rachel at this job, but at least he’ll be prepared for whatever’s coming.

I try to get over the gush of feelings I’m experiencing and walk out of his apartment. I’m exhausted. I feel like I could sleep for days.



It’s been three weeks since Blaire first moved her office into my building. Since then, she has missed every single Monday morning meeting that has been set up between us.

Ever since that day she showed up in my apartment to lecture me about my nanny situation, I have decided to keep a distance from her.

At first, I was just pissed off, a little embarrassed too. I guess you could say I’m not crazy about constructive criticism. But I realized where she was coming from. That conversation was more than just our regular one-upping game. She was concerned about what would happen to Anya if Rachel quit, and I knew I had to do something about it.

I decided to speak with Rachel directly. I told her that Blaire had raised some concerns and that I value her as an employee and will try my best to make her see it. Rachel had tears in her eyes and apologized for putting Anya in a bad situation, but I think the crisis has been averted.

Hopefully, I don’t have anything to worry about as far as that situation goes.

However, that doesn’t smooth what is going on between Blaire and me.

We almost made out. We could have taken it further. If we had sex, one of us would have to move out our apartment. Our business situation would have to be reevaluated too.

The only reason I even continue to live in an apartment in the middle of the city is for Anya’s sake. Yes, we could move to a lavish mansion in the suburbs, but Anya likes it here. She’s made local friends. The public school I want to send her to is a good one. I don’t want to uproot her.

Neither do I want to color the relationship she shares with Blaire.

And what about our work? I wouldn’t be able to associate myself with her company. That wouldn’t be ethically appropriate. I’m not sure Calvin is prepared to take on that kind of responsibility.

As much as I want her and as much as I fantasize about continuing what we started that day, I’m glad Erica walked into the office and put a stop to it.

However, that doesn’t distract me from the fact that Blaire is still pissing me off. She has missed three weekly meetings so far. It’s a blatant disregard for my role here. I know she thinks these meetings are a waste of time, but I have called for them, and she is wasting my time by refusing to attend them.

I’m in my office, waiting for her to show up when I know she won’t. Erica knocks and steps in.

“It doesn’t look like Ms. Crawford is going to turn up. Do you want me to call her office?” Erica asks. She almost sounds personally offended by Blaire’s absence. It goads me on even further, and I jump up from my chair.

“I’ll talk to her myself. Postpone my next meeting; I’m pretty sure this is going to take a while,” I growl as I storm out of my office.

There’s a smile on Erica’s face that I catch as I walk out. She’s pleased by the stand I’m taking.

Blaire’s assistant is on the phone when I walk past her desk. She looks up at me, looking a little surprised, but we both know there isn’t much she can do about it. I’m the CEO of Habitat. I own this whole place.

I storm to her office door. I’ve never been here before, and I feel a rush of excitement mixed with anger. Blaire has managed to push me to edge of the cliff.

I enter her office without knocking and find her at her desk with a man standing across from her. Blaire looks upset. Not her usual vibe. The man standing there turns to look at me, and I don’t recognize him. I don’t think he works here.

“Trevor!” Blaire exclaims, standing up.

“What is going on? Who is this?” I growl, looking him up and down.

“Stephen was just about to leave,” Blaire says, and I notice the way she smooths the top of her hair. There’s something about this guy that’s making her twitchy.

“Good, because we need to talk.” I shove my hands into the pockets of my pants.

This Stephen guy looks like he’s not done talking to Copyright 2016 - 2024