Hot Neighbor (Hot Billionaire Daddies #8) - Suzanne Hart Page 0,3

me down before swinging past me and beeping her car open. I have to clench my jaw to control the frustration building up inside me.

Is she even going to acknowledge what she’s done?

Pete and I stand there, looking, while she backs up out of the space, then swerves into the spot next to mine. Just great. So, this is the new neighbor?

The apartment next to ours has been empty for the past two months, and it has suited me just fine.

“Ms. Crawford seems to have mixed up the numbers. She has purchased the apartment next to yours,” Pete explains. I don’t need his explanations; I’ve figured it out already.

This Ms. Crawford is stepping out of her car now, and even though I feel my wrath, I can’t help but stare. I should be getting into my own car and parking, but I want to look at her a little longer.

She is tall with very long legs. The dress she is wearing fits her form deliciously. It looks powerful on her, expensive and fashionable. This woman clearly knows how to make a statement with her outfit. She has dark hair, slick and shiny, parted in the middle and neatly styled to fall like a curtain around her shoulders.

There is no denying it; she packs a punch.

“I’m sorry about that, but you didn’t need to get your panties in a bunch,” she says. There’s a curl of a soft smile on her lips. She doesn’t look in the least bit sorry.

“I like to park my car in my own spot and I would appreciate if you did the same with yours,” I say, folding my arms across my chest.

Her piercing blue eyes follow my movement. I feel like she’s judging me, assessing me. Well, she’s not going to get very far. I don’t let on much.

“It was an honest mistake, Mr.…”


“I got the spaces mixed up. Does it really matter if you park in my spot and I park in yours for one night?”

“It’s about adhering to the rules and following the right etiquette,” I reply, and she rolls her eyes.

My gaze drops to the dip in the dress at her neck. I can see her cleavage. Ample breasts. I look away. The last thing I need is to be sexually attracted to this woman.

“Are you telling me you have never made any mistakes in your life?” she asks.

“I have never expected a free-pass in exchange for the mistakes I’ve made.”

“So you think I should be fined? Flogged? Put on trial? What kind of world do you live in?” she hisses.

I don’t even know where Pete is. I hope he has gone. He doesn’t need to listen to this. Especially not when the only thought in my head is how much I want to push this woman up against my car and wrap her long legs around me.

I want to take her right here. Shut her up. Push my tongue into her mouth and my cock into her dripping pussy. I want to possess her. Make her see that she can’t bend the rules at random. When it suits her.

“I am not going to punish you, Ms. Crawford; don’t worry,” I say with a growl and get into my car. We need to part ways before I do something stupid. And she needs to stop wearing that luscious lip gloss if she doesn’t want me staring at her mouth.

I start my car while she stands back. I drive smoothly into my spot, and she’s still here. When I step back out again, she tilts her head to one side. There’s a snarky smile on her face, and I know whatever she’s about to say is going to be sarcastic.

“I’m Blaire Crawford, by the way, your new neighbor. And something tells me we are to enjoy living next to each other,” she says before she walks away with her swinging hips.

Maybe I should look for a new apartment.



I can hear the thump-thump on my front door when I drag myself out of bed. It’s Sunday, and it’s ten in the morning, so technically, I should be wide awake now and probably eating brunch somewhere. But I had too much to drink last night and now there’s a dull throb at the back of my head that just won’t go away.

My best friend Kim is going through a complicated work situation. My ex, Kirk, is involved. He’s her boss. Things would have been simple if she was just working for him, but I suspect Copyright 2016 - 2024