Hot Neighbor (Hot Billionaire Daddies #8) - Suzanne Hart Page 0,19

this, but I’m not lying when I say I don’t make stupid mistakes in business. Her company will be very lucrative for me, and I hope she sees that.

But Blaire is already storming away, and I don’t think she’s coming back.



I’m storming out of the building, and John Murphy, my lawyer, is chasing after me.

“Ms. Crawford! You should hear me out!”

I’ve already told them the deal is off. I’m not going to bother even looking at the contract they offered.

I stop in my tracks and turn to face him.

“I’ve made my decision already and nothing you tell me is going to make me change my mind!”

“Even if I tell you that it’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity? At least let us have a look at the contract and get back to you with our thoughts. This could end up being very profitable for you and your company.”

“Yeah, I’m sure it will be.”

“Then what is the problem? I don’t understand,” John says, and I shake my head, looking away because I can’t believe it myself.

“This isn’t a real offer. This is some kind of game Mr. Davenport is playing with me. We’re neighbors and we…we don’t really get along.”

John’s brows furrow. He is still confused. “Everything seems to be in order, Ms. Crawford. I haven’t seen any indication of foul play.”

“Even if it is a legitimate offer, he is only doing it to get at me somehow. He wants to take control of my company and…”

“We can put clauses in place to stop him from gaining control,” John suggests, and I shake my head some more.

“It’s not going to happen. I won’t give him the opportunity. I’m sure someone else will want to invest in my company soon. I’ll just wait for that.”

I want to call Kim, but I know my rage and fury won’t be good for her. She needs all the rest and peace she can get, and she finally has it at her parents’ home.

Instead of going to my office, I come straight back to my apartment. It’s the middle of the day. I really should be at work, I shouldn’t let him get to me like this, but I know I can’t go into work feeling this way.

Like I’m coming apart at the seams.

Not only has he made a fool of me, but he has also wasted my time. I’m angry and embarrassed. I shouldn’t even have bothered to sit through that whole meeting and presentation. I shouldn’t have entertained his ridiculous prank for a second!

My phone is ringing. I know it’s the office calling. They’re expecting me back for a meeting at noon, which I can’t miss.

I ignore the calls and pour myself a glass of cold water and drink. I need to catch my breath. I need to remind myself to stay in control. I’m not going to make it this easy for Trevor Davenport to derail me.

I touch up my makeup before I leave the apartment again. I’m not going to let him get away with this. I’m going to make him pay for what he did today.

If Trevor thinks he can get to me by attacking me where it hurts, I’m going to get to him by attacking where it hurts him.

I returned from the office early just to set up my plan for this evening. I know Rachel usually takes Anya to the playground after school on Wednesdays, and then to her art class after that. Trevor picks Anya up from art class and brings her home in time for dinner.

I’ve confirmed it with Rachel through texts already, trying to keep it as casual as possible. In the meantime, I’ve baked cookies and cooked a dinner. It’s nothing too fancy, but I’m the queen of presentation.

Just minutes before I know they’re going to arrive, I change into a fresh dress. It’s a floral halter-top vintage-inspired dress. I even tie an apron on top of that and touch up my hair and makeup.

I run quickly to pile all the freshly baked cookies high on a tray and open my apartment door.

Just in time, I hear the elevator ping. Then Anya’s voice as she excitedly tells her father some story from art class.

I approach the door with the tray in my hands. They both look at me in unison. There’s surprise on both their faces.

“Blaire! That smells delicious!” Anya exclaims and hops over, breaking away from her father, who has no choice but to watch us in surprise.

I lower the tray and present the cookies to Copyright 2016 - 2024