Hot Blooded (Wolf Springs Chronicles) - By Nancy Holder Page 0,31

the stair.

“So, big news,” Kimi said. “My mom told me to tell you that she met a family court judge at Pilates who said she’d sign off on your emancipation papers if the case came before her. Which, hell, yeah.”

Katelyn was stunned. Before she had flown out to Wolf Springs, Kimi had been lobbying for her to file for emancipation so Katelyn could stay there and live with Kimi’s family. Kimi’s mom was an attorney and she’d been willing to present the case and assure the judge she would provide Katelyn a home. Until that moment, though, Katelyn hadn’t been convinced it could actually work.

“Making deals outside of court like that, isn’t that illegal or something?” Katelyn asked, as butterflies danced in her stomach. Another chance to leave Wolf Springs dropped into her lap?

She ticked a glance in Trick’s direction to find that he was still looking at her, and she turned her head slightly and cupped her mouth.

“If you could offer some proof about why Wolf Springs is a bad living environment, that would seal the deal,” Kimi continued.

“Well, there was a murder recently.”

“Right on! I mean, oh, how awful and sad. Anyone you know? Or knew?”

“I guess she was in some of my classes, but no, I didn’t. And my history teacher is missing.”

“Jeez. Is there a guy running around with a chainsaw, too?” Kimi asked, and Katelyn snorted.

If only I could tell you what’s really going on, she thought. You wouldn’t believe any of it.

Then she inhaled the mingled scents of soap and leather. Not Justin. Trick. Up close, she could see the stubble on his cheeks and chin, and the flecks of blue in his green eyes. Without warning, her vision telescoped and she felt as if she were falling into his eyes, into their depths, and she felt incredibly dizzy. Then she blinked to try to pull herself out of it.

“The missing teacher is a nice addition,” Kimi said. “I’ll tell my mom.” Then she added, “Are you okay? I mean, were you close to him or anything?”

“Close,” Katelyn ventured, testing out the idea. Then she gave her head a sharp shake. “Kimi, I need to go. I’ll call you when I get home.”

“From the cabin in the woods, wa ha ha,” Kimi said. “Kiss kiss. You’ll be home before you know it.”

“Mwah. Sounds poifect,” Katelyn said, and hung up. She closed her eyes and pressed her finger against the bridge of her nose. She inhaled slowly, then exhaled, then opened her eyes again.

The telescoping was gone. But Trick was standing right there, in living color.

“Yes?” she said.

“I’m coming over to your house after school,” he informed her. “I’m going to help your grandfather chop wood for the winter.”

“Quaint. I’ll be home later. I’m going to Cordelia’s house again, just for a little bit.” She almost added, I’m going swimming, but she doubted that Justin had been serious. It was practically sleeting outside.

“No, you aren’t,” he said. When she frowned at him, he added, “It’s not Cordelia’s house anymore, is it?” He wasn’t asking. He knew.

“Trick, I don’t have to explain myself to you.” The words came out more sharply than she had intended. How did he know?

“Your pappy told me to watch out for you.” He narrowed his eyes and pursed his lips in displeasure. “He’s trouble, Katelyn. You’re new here. You don’t know about his past.”

“I think I know who you mean, and trust me when I say this, Trick. He has a girlfriend. They’re practically engaged.”

“That’s never stopped him before,” Trick retorted.

Her cheeks went hot.

“Are you okay?” he asked, and she nodded. “You don’t look okay.”

“I’m fine,” she insisted.

“Don’t go over there this afternoon. There is absolutely no good reason for you to go.”

“Got it,” she said, and she took a big bite out of her apple. He shifted his weight on his hip, upset and pissed off, and she took another bite. Clenching his teeth, he turned on his heel and walked away. She stared at his retreating back — okay, his butt — and smiled.

I’ll get out of here, she mentally told him. I’ll take you with me.

She devoured her apple like it was a rabbit.



Katelyn walked to the end of the high-dive and stared down at Justin. Treading water in the steamy pool, he was bobbing in the water. His hair was slicked back, accentuating the planes and angles in his face, and she felt awkward in the swimsuit he had brought for her. She wondered if it was Copyright 2016 - 2024