Hot Blooded (Wolf Springs Chronicles) - By Nancy Holder Page 0,22

was there. For the most part, Jesse stayed at home because he couldn’t be trusted to keep the family secret — he was so trusting and, left to his own devices, might talk to anyone. Sometimes, though, he got to go to the pharmacy to visit LaRue, the cat there, while a prescription was filled for some kind of medication he was on. Jesse wanted a cat in the worst way.

“I know she’s not a stranger, buddy,” Justin said. He smiled at his brother and screwed on the cap of his water bottle.

“I’m glad to see you, Kat,” Jesse said. “Justin’s glad, too.” He pulled a sad face. “I miss my cousin. Say her name, he’ll break your neck.” He mimicked doing just that, putting his fists together, then turning them in opposite directions.

Katelyn felt sick to her stomach.

“No one will ever hurt you, Jesse,” Justin said, and a fleeting expression passed over his features. It looked like anger, but Katelyn couldn’t decipher it before it was gone.

“I’m going to Lucy,” Jesse said. “She has some sour apple gum.” He grinned at Justin. “If you marry Kat, I can marry Lucy. She loves me more than you.”

“You’re a heartbreaker,” Justin said, feinting a punch at Jesse’s chin.

“You’re a neck breaker,” Jesse said, giggling and squirming away. “You, Justin, you’re a breaker!”

Then Jesse trotted out of the kitchen, leaving Justin and Katelyn alone again. Justin gave Katelyn a little eye-roll.

“What about Mr. Henderson?” she said, taking up where she’d left off. “What do you think happened to him?”

He shrugged. “Can’t say.”

“Or won’t?” she pushed. “Justin, two people have died. And a teacher at my school is missing. And I was attacked. And no one is doing anything—”

Before she realized what was happening, his hand was across her mouth. He pulled her hard against his chest and pressed his mouth against her ear.

“You don’t know that,” he whispered. “You don’t know half of what’s going on. And if you want to live through this, drop it. Now.”

It took her a moment to register that he was shaking.

“I can’t protect you if they . . . if he . . . if anyone hears you saying things like that,” he whispered. “Asking questions is dangerous. Please, don’t risk your life . . . or mine . . . that way.”

When he pulled his hand from her mouth, all she could do was stare up at him. He looked truly, genuinely afraid. She glanced toward the other room and thought about Jesse. Justin’s brother was the sweetest person in the whole world and he’d never do anything to hurt anybody. But that didn’t mean he wouldn’t tell Lee or Lucy what he might have overheard. She swallowed hard and nodded. Justin worked so hard to make the whole werewolf thing seem normal, because it was, for him at least. Sometimes she actually relaxed enough to forget that she was living under the threat of death.

“I’ll be more careful,” she whispered, soft enough that she hoped only he could hear.

He bent down and brushed his lips against hers. She could taste the longing on his lips and felt herself respond to it. But she pushed away from him and shook her head.

Not careful, she mouthed to him. And Lucy — his girlfriend — was in the house. How could he come on to her like that when Lucy was about?

He hung his head, looking like a puppy who knew he’d done something wrong. And the expression was so endearing she wanted to kiss him again. What kind of girl was she? Hitting on another girl’s boyfriend? No.

Before she could move he shook himself and exited the room, leaving her a bit dazed.

That did not just happen.

Katelyn’s legs nearly gave way as she stood alone in the Fenner kitchen, her hand over her mouth, her heart thundering.

If you want to live through this . . .

She pressed her hand against her lips as her thoughts fuzzed away, leaving her in a stupor. What if Jesse had wandered back in and seen them kissing? Or Lucy?

Which was more dangerous: the nameless predator in the forest or the one named Lee Fenner? And did Justin really expect her not to do a thing to protect herself?

Maybe Justin was working behind the scenes to help her. Or maybe he was just out to help himself. She didn’t know. She didn’t understand how pack politics worked. It was even more complicated than high school! Back in L.A., while she and Copyright 2016 - 2024