A Hope City Duet - Kris Michaels Page 0,98

same fire battalion that Blayze works for while studying to be an EMT. We need to have dinner and drinks and catch up.” Looking toward the body that was only fifteen feet away from them, he added, “But I think both of us may be busy for the next couple of weeks.”

Brock nodded, then moved toward the body, his focus on the corpse. Sean stood back, giving Brock a chance to take in the scene he had already become familiar with. Brock called out to the patrolman behind them. “What’s the ETA on the medical examiner and crime scene technicians?”

The patrolman called out his answer, then added, “I was told the arson investigator has lead in this case.”

A grin split his face as Brock asked Sean, “So, are you considering this death the result of arson?”

With the victim’s head almost severed from his body and lying in an extensive pool of blood, he retorted, “Fuck you, man. This fire falls into the parameters of several cases I have open. Yes, I told your patrols I was the lead investigator, which I am as far as the arson is concerned. This guy? Not so much. Let me finish gathering the evidence I need. I promise not to fuck up your investigation as long as you don’t mess with mine. You can call in your crime scene technicians anytime.”

“You think this is tied to your serial arsonist?” Brock asked.

He shook his head. “I don’t know. First impressions say not. But then I never go on first impressions.” Jerking his head toward the far side of the room, he said, “What I need is over there. Looks like an accelerant of some kind was used, however, I need to determine if it was cast on this side of the wall or the other. Besides that, the scene is yours. Just make an annotation that I was here. I’ve already marked my notes where the body was located. I’m assuming the Fire Department did a check to make sure he was dead.”

The two men looked down at the large pool of blood the man lay in and the nearly decapitating wound across his neck. Brock tried to muffle a laugh as he said, “Dude, he’s definitely dead.”

Brock always managed to know just what to say to rile him up. Hell, it had been that way since they were kids. “No shit, asshole. I’m not a homicide detective, but I figured that out. Proper procedure dictates that when you find a body on the scene, you check for signs of life.”

“Always a stickler for procedure. A rule follower from way back.”

He shot his fist toward Brock’s shoulder, causing Brock to scoot back quickly. “Following the rules saved our asses more than once. You act like we weren’t raised together.”

They shared a look, understanding passing between them with no words necessary, something they had been doing for thirty-four years. From the moment their parents moved into houses next to each other, raising the boys like brothers, they could finish each other’s sentences. Even with a bunch of brothers and sisters in both families, he and Brock always stuck together.

Shaking his head, he grinned. “Now, let me work, and for the love of God, please take care of... him.” Leaving Brock to his homicide investigation, he walked back over to the charred remains of the interior wall.

He finished collecting samples, looking up as Jonas stepped into the interior of the warehouse. Before he had an opportunity to find out what Jonas had collected, Brock called over.

“Get ready for one hell of a ride, Sean.”

Brows lowered, he asked, “What’s up?”

“The deceased is one Samuel Treyson.”

It took a few seconds for the name to sink in, considering it had not been his place to examine the body. Samuel Treyson. One of Hope City’s very rich and famous. “If you’re fuckin’ with me, I’m going to kick your ass.”

Brock shook his head. “Not even in the slightest.” He turned his phone toward Sean and Jonas, exposing the magazine cover with Samuel’s face on it.

“You realize the can of worms that opens up, right?” Placing his hands on his hips, he sucked in a deep breath before blowing it out in a huff. “I need to call my Captain, who really doesn’t like to talk to people at two in the morning, and your dad needs a heads up. I wouldn’t want to be in your shoes with the brass and the press crawling up your ass as soon as this

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