A Hope City Duet - Kris Michaels Page 0,78

whining." She was re-reading the texts from Bettis, Hansen and the occasional update from Davidson.

"What's happening? Where is my phone?"

"You're going to surgery. I called your brother Brody. Your phone is back at the station. Bettis has it."

"Fuck. That means the entire clan will be here soon. Tell me what's going on with the case before the horde descends. Ask Bettis to bring my phone, yeah?" Brock was loopy, they'd been in and given him something for the pain. Seemed the damn bullet had lodged next to the bone in his arm, and perhaps he wasn't as much as a wimp as she was accusing him of being.

"Bettis is busy at the moment." According to what she was reading, they were missing the aftermath, and it was one hell of a ride, but she wasn't going to tell Brock that. He already felt like shit having to come to the hospital. "Okay. They have Dawson's statement identifying Masters as being at the warehouse with Cynthia. Cynthia took Hansen to where she hid the phone. It was behind one of the dry-cleaning machines. No one would ever have found it. But the video does show Masters killing Samuel. The audio is shit, so tech is working it. Masters hasn't said a word. He's being held for Samuel's murder and attempted murder of a police officer..." She waved at him and winked.

"Why? What the fuck possessed him? That's what I don't get."

"Davidson and the DA have been popping warrants all over the place. We'll find it."

"You mean you'll find it. Seriously, this doesn't even hurt anymore. I need to get back to the precinct. Damn it, of all the lousy luck."

"Stop whining. You’re alive. Be happy." She was. She was ecstatic and just a little more than choked up, but hey you don't tell your boyfriend of two days that shit, do you? No. Not if you wanted him as a boyfriend for day three.

"He worked for Miriam."

Huh? "Say what?"

Brock scrubbed his face. "Masters. He worked for Miriam. Make sure they check for ties to her."

Kallie chuckled. She'd told him Davidson was doing that, the last time he'd asked her for an update. The drugs were trying to slow him down, but the man was tenacious.

A knock at the door turned her attention.


Kallie slid off the side of his bed. A tall older woman entered the room, her worried expression eased as soon as she saw him in the bed.

"Son, you really have to stop getting shot. I'm only going to do this with you five or six more times before I let you do it yourself." She glanced at Kallie and smiled before she leaned over Brock and hugged him gently.

"Hey, Mom. I'm okay. Little bullet. Just ask Kallie. She'll tell you I'm over-reacting."


She turned and Kallie saw the resemblance. Those eyes were the same eyes she loved. Liked. Liked a lot. Not loved. She rolled her eyes and extended her hand. "Hi, I'm Kallie Redman, Brock’s partner."

"What happened to Jordan?" His mom stopped and grasped her hand. "No, that didn't sound right. Where are my manners? It is so nice to meet you, Kallie. I'm Hannah King, his mom. His dad will be here as soon as he can free up from the mess that is going on at Briar Hill. It is a feeding frenzy up there right now."

Kallie smiled. "I can imagine. Jordan is on temporary assignment with the FBI."

"Mom, tell Dad I'm fine. He doesn't need to come down." Brock yawned and waved his hand dismissively. "Damn drugs."

"Language," his mom reprimanded before she turned back to Kallie. "What happened? Please tell me from the beginning. I haven't talked to the doctors yet.”

Kallie leaned against the wall. She gave Brock a quick glance. He waved his hand in a 'go ahead' gesture and dropped his head back on his pillow, closing his eyes. "Okay, well, he was shot taking down a murder suspect."

"Where?" His mom sat at the foot of his bed and put a hand on his foot.

"At the precinct."

"On the street?" Hannah's eyes rounded, huge with worry.

"No, inside the building."

"What? How did that happen? I have to have my purse searched to get past the front desk."

"That's something we're still working on." Kallie knew Hansen was all over the video feed trying to ascertain how Masters was allowed in with a weapon. "The doctors did an x-ray of his arm. The bullet is lodged against the bone, so they have to go in and get it

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