A Hope City Duet - Kris Michaels Page 0,57

calm down. He didn’t want to come the second he entered her. She wiggled her ass and ground into him. He groaned against her skin, “You are going to make me come.”

“That’s the idea.” She laughed and wiggled her hips again.

“Minx.” He found her center. The slide in was excruciatingly wonderful. Tight, slick heat gripped his cock. He braced his hands on her hips, stilling them both.

“Oh, God. So damn big. So good.” Kallie’s words were exhaled in the sudden silence.

Yep, she was going to kill him. Death by orgasm. It was a thing. Had to be. He closed his eyes tightly and slowly moved away only to thrust back in until he couldn’t go any farther.

“Yes, fuck… harder, Brock. Please.”

Harder? God, yes, he could do harder. He leaned over her, drawing his hands up her back. He kissed her neck before he wrapped his arms under her, crossing his arms and grasping her shoulders. Fuck, they fit perfectly. He withdrew and used his grip on her to brace her as he slid home again. He set a fierce, almost brutal pace, but fuck him, the whispered words of encouragement from her kept him going when he would have slowed.

She bowed under him and pushed back to meet each thrust. Sweat dripped from his brow onto her back. He lost his grip on her sweat soaked skin and leaned away from her back. He regripped her hips and leveraged forward.

“Yes! God, yes!” Kallie shouted, and her body spasmed around him. She pushed against the counter as he thrust again.

White hot lightning bolts of one hundred percent pure octane pleasure pumped through him. White spots exploded behind his eyelids and morphed into red when he came. He ground his teeth together, but the feral sound he made couldn’t be stopped.

Breathe. Fuck. Air in. Air out. The concept was simple. He braced his arms on the counter next to Kallie, for her comfort and his safety. At the current moment there was a real debate as to whether or not he had legs. He’d face plant if he had to move.

“Holy shit.” Kallie panted, dropping her forehead on his hand. “Detective King, you are under arrest.”

He chuckled, kinda. “For what?”

“Murdering my idea of what constitutes good sex because that… that was ah-mazing.”

She moved, and he managed to stand without getting dizzy. Good. His blood supply must have rearranged a bit. He slipped from her, but held her with her back to his chest, wrapping his arms around her. “Just wait until I actually get you into bed, Detective Redman. Your charges may increase.”

She turned in his arms. Her sex-tossed hair fell wild around her face and tumbled in waves over her shoulders, dropping over her breasts. Her rose colored nipples peeked through the drape of thick locks. Her face was flush and her lips full and dark red. She glanced up at him with her big brown eyes, and the emotion he saw there wasn’t humor. He saw vulnerability. Wrapping his arms around her, he drew her closer, his protective instincts roaring like a lion announcing his claim on his territory.

She reached up and caressed his cheek. “I just had the best sex of my life.” Wonder filled her voice.

He could have easily turned the moment into a joke, played the comment off, but her honesty deserved the same from him. He cupped her neck with his hand and brushed his finger over her cheek. “I agree. The sex was amazing, but what made it special for me, was that it was with you.” He leaned down and kissed her. A soft gentle sweep of his lips against hers. A thank you.

“You better watch it, Detective King, or I’m going to end up liking you. A lot.” She smiled up at him, leaned into his chest, and shivered.

He reached down and scooped her up. She squealed and then threw her head back and laughed, a full body, completely happy, laugh that filled the apartment. As he took them back to her bedroom, he decided that sound should be bottled. It would stop any bitter argument and could quite possibly heal the wounds of the world.


Brock slapped at his alarm.

“Ouch, damn it. Chill the fuck out, I got it.”

His eyes popped open. His hand fell off Kallie's back as she rolled and silenced his phone. “Shit. Sorry.” He sat up and squinted at Kallie and then around the room. He’d slept so damn hard he’d forgotten where he was.

“You shower first, I’ll get

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