A Hope City Duet - Kris Michaels Page 0,192

dinner, thrilled to have a large, well-appointed kitchen at her disposal. Sean kept telling her that she did not need to cook every night, but she slowly convinced him that she loved cooking, especially in a kitchen with plenty of counter space.

An hour later, she looked through the window over the kitchen sink and watched as Sean made his way from his SUV in the driveway toward the back door. An emotion hit her like a physical punch in the stomach at how right the scene felt. Cooking in his kitchen with Smokey slithering figure eights between her legs. Sean walking into the house at the end of his workday.

She startled at the sound of his voice, aware that he had stepped inside and was staring at her. “I’m sorry?”

He moved forward, his brow lowered. “Are you okay? I walked in, and you were just staring.”

By this time, he had made it around the counter and was standing directly in front of her, one arm moving to band around her waist, pulling her closer. She reached up and smoothed the worry line from between his brows and smiled. “I’m fine.” Seeing the doubt remain on his face, she assured, “No, honestly, Sean. I’m fine.” She allowed him to band his other arm around her shoulders and she leaned her cheek against his chest as he held her tight. “I was just thinking that it’s only been a few days, and yet, this feels so right.”

She felt his sigh of relief as his chest heaved, and she held on tighter.

“I was driving home today, Harper, and all I could think about was getting here, knowing that I would see you. I know exactly what you’re talking about. But this not only just feels right… it is right.”

Dinner was soon on the table, and like everything else in the smooth transition, they chatted about work and her move. While Sean never burdened her with details about his cases, she felt as though there was something on his mind that he was not divulging.

“Is there anything you want to talk to me about?” she asked.

Holding her gaze, he smiled. “Truthfully? Yes. But just as truthfully, I really hate to ask.”

Cocking her head to the side, she waited to see what he was referring to. He appeared to be struggling, so she remained quiet, giving him a chance to pull his thoughts together.

“I don’t want you to read anything more into this than just the question, but do you know of any empty buildings or structures in the neighborhood around your apartment building?” Seeing her blink in surprise, he continued, “I’ve already been checking into it, but since you lived there, I thought you might be more aware.”

“Is this about the arsonist?”

“Yes, but like I said, I don’t want you to read anything more into this. We’re just trying to identify potential sites.”

She had no doubt that there was more to his request than what he was saying but respected the constraints of his profession. Nibbling on her lip, she pondered his question. “There are quite a few empty storefronts that are dotted around the neighborhood, but all of the ones that I can think of have apartment buildings on the upper floors. If you’re asking about garages, sheds, things like that? I suppose there are some, but I’m just not sure.”

Watching the rather blank expression not change on Sean’s face, she asked, “Can I ask why?”

“As crazy as this sounds, we’ve figured out a pattern to the places the arsonist is hitting. When plotted on a map of the city, they match the constellation of Phoenix.”

She blinked, her mouth dropping open before snapping shut without saying anything. She repeated the action two other times before finally stammering, “Constellation? Phoenix? I... I don’t even know what to say to that.”

“Believe me, I know. It was chance that I stumbled over the connection and even had Dad and Chauncey take a look.”

Swallowing deeply, she held his gaze. “And you think my part of town could be next.”

“It’s a possibility, babe.” He reached over and cupped her cheek. “I’m sorry, Harper. I should never have asked you that question.”

Seeing regret now in his eyes, she shook her head slowly. “No, you’re right. I want you to talk to me about any case. Actually, I want you to be able to talk to me about anything. And as an investigator, I know all possibilities have to be looked at.”

“I’ve got one more question, and then I promise

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