A Hope City Duet - Kris Michaels Page 0,156

he focused on his drive, occasionally casting his gaze toward the bouquet of flowers in the seat next to him.

Once there, she buzzed him up. After stepping off the elevator, he walked down the hall toward Harper’s apartment. Just as he reached her door, Daniel came out of the door across the way, closing it behind him. The older man’s gaze dropped to the flowers and wine bottle in Sean’s hands.

A smile spread across Daniel’s face. “I’ve been smelling Harper’s melt-in-your-mouth chicken for the past half hour. I can tell you from previous experience, you’re in for a treat.”

Melt in your mouth... Jesus. Sean smiled and cleared his throat. “Nice to see you again, Daniel.”

Daniel tilted his head toward Harper’s door. “I’ve been taking care of the residents in this apartment building for a couple of years now, and it’s no secret that Harper is special. Always respectful, always friendly.” He clapped Sean on the shoulder as he walked down the hall. “And that chicken… damn, it’s good.”

Sean lifted his hand to knock on her door when it suddenly opened, and she was standing before him. Her thick hair was down, hanging below her shoulders. Her dark eyes appeared large and a touch of gloss coated her lips. Once his eyes landed on her lips, he had a hard time thinking of anything other than kissing her. Forcing his gaze downward, he continued his appreciation at the way her tight pants hugged her long legs and ended on her peach-colored toenails.

Staring at her feet, he grinned, and her chin dropped as she looked down as well. “I know I should’ve put on shoes, but I like to be comfortable at home.”

He handed her the bouquet of flowers, which she gathered into her arms, her smile wider as she sniffed the blooms. Leaning forward, he placed his hand on her waist and kissed her gently.

A buzzer sounded from the kitchen behind them, and she startled out of her hazy appraisal of him. “Oh, perfect. You’re just in time.” She whirled around and quickly headed back into her apartment, calling over her shoulder, “I thought I heard voices in the hallway.”

Entering behind her, he shut the door. “I ran into Daniel outside. He told me he smelled your chicken cooking, and I was in for a treat.”

As he stepped around the counter, he spied her bending over, pulling out a dish from the oven. The scent emanating from the pan teased his nostrils, but his attention was locked on her ass, sending a signal to his cock, which he had to fight to keep from growing hard.

“I like to cook but cooking for one isn’t a lot of fun.” Setting the dish on the stovetop, she checked a couple of pans, stirred, then replaced the lids. “Sometimes I’ll have a few friends over, but other times I’ll take something to Daniel or invite him here.”

“I’m sure he appreciates it.” He placed the bottle of wine on the counter.

She turned and leaned her hip against the counter. “Well, it’s not like he doesn’t get home-cooked meals. I’ve told you that there are several older, single women in this apartment building who I think are casting their nets toward him.”

“Ah, bribery with food?”

Nodding, she emphasized, “Oh, yeah! Sometimes I think Daniel is the most well-fed person in this entire building!”

He laughed along with her as he stepped directly into her space. Placing his hands on the counter on either side of her, he boxed her in. She tilted her head back, and as he leaned forward, their lips were a whisper apart. “That’s good. Because I’d like to be the recipient of your home-cooked meals, and I hate to think I was taking away Daniel’s only source of food.”

Before she had a chance to respond, he closed the distance and their lips met, a slow, gentle kiss that he worked to control from flaming. He felt her melt against him, her arms encircling his waist.

Finally dragging her lips from his, she whispered, “We should eat before it gets cold.”

Leaning back for another quick kiss, he straightened and stepped away, knowing he needed some distance if they were actually going to eat the meal she prepared. Smiling at the lust-filled look of longing on her face, he agreed. “I’ll pour the wine.”

The meal was soon plated and on the table. Moaning after taking a bite of the chicken smothered in cream sauce, rice, and cheese, he swallowed. “Damn, girl, you can cook. Daniel was right

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