A Hope City Duet - Kris Michaels Page 0,139

space. As he helped slide her jacket off, she looked down, seeing her cat stepping lightly into the room.

“I didn’t have a chance to introduce you earlier. This is Smokey.” She leaned down to pet him, looking over her shoulder, curious as to Sean’s reaction. Some men, she had found, did not like cats, considering them to be sissy animals.

He immediately knelt, holding his hand out so that Smokey could sniff his fingers. As soon as the cat arched his back and moved forward, Sean began to stroke the cat.

Unable to keep the grin from her face, she watched in appreciation as her cat accepted him.

He looked up and tilted his head to the side. “Why the grin?”

Laughing, she shrugged. “Let’s just say that you’re passing all my tests.”

“Tests? There are tests? Damn, maybe I should’ve studied.”

She felt blush rise from her chest upward and shook her head. “I really shouldn’t have said that. I don’t mean you have to pass tests, but some men don’t like cats, and I’m glad that you do.”

Blowing out his breath in an exaggerated puff, he said, “Whew, glad I passed that one. Now I just have to worry about the other ones that I don’t know about.”

She playfully slapped his arm. “I’ll get the wine.”

He followed her into her small kitchen and took the wine bottle from her hands, opening it and then pouring it into the glasses she provided. Nodding toward her wrist, he said, “Are you still in pain?”

“No, not at all. The swelling has gone down, and the splint has been tightened. Now, it’s more of an inconvenience than anything else.”

He picked up both glasses of wine and they walked into her small living room. Her boots had been comfortable when they were walking but she never wore shoes when she was at home. As he set the glasses on the coffee table, she waved toward her feet. “Do you mind if I get a little more comfortable?”

Shaking his head, he smiled, holding her gaze. “Not at all, Harper. Get as comfortable as you want.”

The air seemed thicker and she sucked in a quick breath, disappearing down the short hall. Once out of sight, she slumped against her bedroom door. I can’t jump him… I can’t jump him. Her mantra barely worked as she hurried into different clothes. A few minutes later came back, having changed into yoga pants and slouchy socks had replaced her boots. He had already reclined on the sofa, and she settled next to him, twisting her body so that she faced him, her knees touching his thigh. Sitting so close, it was easy for him to rest his arm on the back of the sofa, creating a cocoon for just the two of them.

They sipped the wine and he prodded, “Tell me about these tests. I want to make sure I’m passing them.”

She laughed and rolled her eyes. “Don’t worry, you are.” Seeing him continue to stare intently, she sighed. “Truthfully, Sean? I’ve had quite a few first dates, very few second dates, and hardly anybody has made it to a third date. So far, with you, everything has been different... great, actually. We’ve been together at work. We’ve had lunch. And now we’ve had dinner.”

“That makes it sound like we’ve already had our third date.” He smiled, leaning forward to place his wine glass on the coffee table. “I’d say I’m passing your tests pretty well.”

Dropping her chin, she shook her head. “Oh, I shouldn’t have said that. But it’s hard to find someone who doesn’t understand that I might get called out at any given time and not just have set work hours. And if someone’s been injured or died in a fire it’s very upsetting to me, and not everyone understands the emotional part of my job. I’m no longer interested in just having a short-time-good-time.” As soon as those words left her mouth, her eyes widened. “I realize that by saying that, you might head straight toward the door.”

He shook his head slowly and leaned closer. “Harper, honey, it sounds like we’re in the exact same place in our lives. I want something that I can build on with someone that can share my life.”

She inhaled a quick breath before her lips curved into a smile. “See? That’s why you’re passing my tests.”

As they talked, their voices lowered to almost a whisper, and their heads moved slowly closer together. When their lips were only a breath apart, he hesitated, lifting his

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