A Hope City Duet - Kris Michaels Page 0,125

the kitchen, a handheld recorder close to her mouth. “There is a concentration of fire origin on the floor, close to the door that leads to the garage. When standing in the kitchen, the fire rose from the floor up to the ceiling. There doesn’t appear to be multiple points of origin, but the fire didn’t start from an electrical appliance or outlet.”

He was impressed with her grasp of fire dynamics. “That’s good. That’s exactly what I found.”

She turned, and he stepped back, allowing her gaze to sweep around the rest of the room as she continued to record. “The kitchen window is closed and there is no heat source in the room other than the vents for their heat pump.”

She stepped through the doorway into the garage, and he followed her. The firefighters had finished and were pulling away, so they had full access to walk around. She stood in the center of the garage and turned slowly in a circle. Continuing to record, she said, “The sources of ignition or accelerant in the garage are on the far side. Lawnmower, gasoline can, power tools are near the back. There is shelving on the side that contains several old paint cans and what looks like a can of turpentine. No accelerants are close to the kitchen door which appears to be the point of origin.”

She shoved her recorder into her purse and pulled out her phone. She began snapping pictures in the garage, squatting at several places, getting pictures that were detailed. She moved back into the kitchen, where she did the same.

Sean was fascinated watching her work. “Your training was very similar to mine. And you’re just as methodical.”

She sucked in her lips and looked up at him. “Um... I’m not used to having somebody watch me other than my instructors.” Glancing around, she added, “Now is when I would collect samples but want to do it after you do.”

“I appreciate your strict adherence to the rules.”

“That’s what upset me so much at the warehouse. I had been given clearance, but when you showed up so angry, I was afraid I had broken protocol,” she explained.

“No, you were fine. It was obviously not my finest moment.”

She offered a small smile and stepped back, allowing him to begin. He collected evidence, bagging and labeling the materials as he moved about the kitchen and garage. Jonas came into the kitchen, smiled at Harper, and took the samples from Sean, placing the bags and bottles in the evidence kit.

“You can start your collection now,” Sean said.

She nodded silently and began collecting samples of the charred wood around the door leading to the kitchen while he talked with Jonas. When finished, she stood and looked at him, the rosy blush still gracing her cheeks, now more evident with the sunlight pouring into the room.

Jonas took the samples and headed back outside. Sean smiled and stepped closer, watching as she leaned her head back to maintain holding his gaze. A few wisps of her hair were floating around her face with the breeze that was moving through the garage and he longed to tuck the strands behind her ear. Instead, he smiled and said, “It was interesting to watch you work.” He glanced around, scanning the walls. “What are your thoughts? What is the evidence saying to you?”

“I’m only certified in evidence collection right now.”

Holding her gaze, he lifted an eyebrow. “Yes, but you’re almost finished becoming a certified fire investigator.”

“You remember?” Her voice was full of incredulity.

“Oh, yes. I remember everything about you, Harper.”

With that, her mouth opened slightly, but no words came forth. He longed to lean down and see if her lips were as soft as they appeared. Just then, Jonas stepped into the garage and called out, “What have you found out here?”

Both Harper and Sean blinked, and she jumped slightly as though coming out of a trance. Sean grinned. “I was just asking her what her thoughts were.”

She inhaled deeply before letting it out slowly. “I find it suspicious that the fire did not start at a point of accelerants or heat sources. It appeared to start right at the door leading between the garage and the kitchen. I’ve collected samples that I’ll take to the lab, to see if there’s any evidence of an accelerant was used.”

Nodding, he said, “We’ll be doing the same.” Glancing toward Jonas who grinned and moved into the kitchen, leaving Sean and Harper in the garage, he continued, “Perhaps when you get

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