A Hope City Duet - Kris Michaels Page 0,122

transition. From military to civilian. Back to living at home for a while.”

“Yeah, but so did Rory, and he’s jumped into life here in Hope City—”

“They’re completely different people.”

“I know, but still... I just think she could use her big sister.”

Tara laughed softly. “Of course, I’ll talk to her. Anyway, she and I need to catch up. I’ll call her tomorrow.” After another pause, she encouraged, “Tell me about Harper.”

“How the hell did you... damn, did Mom call you already?”

Now her laughter rang out. “She called me right after you left her house.”

He shook his head, wondering why he was surprised. After all, there were no secrets to be kept in their family. “I’ll tell you what I told them... I met her through work and took her to the ER when she had an accident. That’s all there is to tell.”

“Then I should warn you, brother dear, Mom is hoping you’ll see her again.”

They continued to chat for another moment then disconnected after their goodbyes. He shoved his hand into his pocket and pulled out Harper’s card. Professional, with Eastern Mutual’s logo on the front, but when flipped over, her handwriting with her name and cell phone number captured his attention. Delicate. Feminine. Just like her.

He pulled out his phone then hesitated, glancing at the time. It was not that late, but he knew she may have taken a pain pill to go to bed early. I’ll call her tomorrow.

With that vow, he finished his whiskey, and after depositing the rinsed, empty glass into the sink made his way to his bedroom. That night, for the first time in a long time, he did not worry over unsolved cases or fire scenes. Instead, a beautiful, auburn-haired Harper moved in and out of his dreams.


Harper walked into her apartment and smiled her greeting toward Smokey. Bending, she rubbed his silky fur, scratched under his chin. “I know, I know, Mom is late. Let’s get you fed.”

Placing food in his dish, she spied her pain pills on the kitchen counter. Do I need it? As tired as she was, she did not think sleep would be a problem but really wanted to get another good night's sleep and knew with her splinted arm that would be difficult. She fixed a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, threw some chips on a paper plate, and poured a glass of milk. At least she would be able to take her pill on a full stomach.

She had just finished her simple meal when a knock on her door had her peeking through the peephole. Throwing it open, she welcomed Daniel inside.

“I come bearing gifts.” The scent of fruit wafted from a pie plate that was held in his hand.

She lifted the aluminum foil to expose half of a cherry pie. “Where did you get that?”


“Four-C, right?”

He cackled. “You got it. Mrs. McAllister brought down a pie for me. Supposedly, it’s because I helped fix the stuck window in her bedroom.”

Grabbing two saucers while he set the pie on the kitchen counter, she looked over her shoulder. “Yes, but we all know that she has a thing for you.”

“There’s no way I’m going to become husband number four!”

Her shoulders shook with laughter. “I think that’s very wise!” Cutting two large slices, she placed them on the saucers with forks and they sat at her small table. “At least you get something delicious out of it. This is really good.”

Daniel asked, “You didn’t work late today, did you?”

“No, Sandy wanted to go to The Celtic Cock, so we met there. I didn’t drink, but I had a chance to unwind a little bit. Believe it or not, I met the firefighter brother of the detective I just met.”

“Small world,” he mumbled over a large bite of pie.

They continued to chat for a few more minutes, then he wrapped the remainder of the dish and placed it in her refrigerator. “I’m trying to watch my weight, so I’m gonna let you finish the pie.” He rubbed Smokey's head on his way out. “Don’t forget to lock up.”

She rinsed the dishes, turned out the lights, and headed to her bedroom. After her evening ritual, she climbed into bed and found that sleep did not come easily. The memory of meeting Rory and finding out he was Sean’s brother stayed with her.

When her phone rang, she grabbed it off her nightstand, secretly wishing for it to be Sean, knowing that was a foolish hope. Seeing her mom’s name, she rolled

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