A Hope City Duet - Kris Michaels Page 0,118

your wrist.”

Thanking him, she took a sip, murmuring her appreciation. He moved on down the bar, and she caught the eye of his sister, Maeve, and waved before turning her attention back to her drink.

Sandy glanced over her shoulder at the man candy nearby. “Obviously, I know Bill and Blay, but you’re new.”

The third firefighter smiled, flashing a white-toothed grin that would rival Sandy’s. “I’m Rory. Just started with the HCFD. Blay and I grew up together.”

“So, why am I just now meeting you?” Sandy’s blue eyes were wide with interest.

Harper and Bill shared a look, and she busied herself taking a sip of her drink before she laughed out loud.

“I just got out of the Army,” Rory replied, his dark blue eyes never leaving Sandy’s.

Leaving them to their flirting, Bill leaned toward Harper. “Working on anything new?”

“I’ve got five cases on my desk right now.”

Shaking his head, Bill said, “We’re into winter and that’ll mean more fires.”

“I was just thinking the same thing. Actually, two of the fires I was writing up today started with heaters.”

“People get cold and desperate in the winter and just make poor choices with their heating,” Blay said, his smile replaced with a grimace.

“So, about that warehouse fire.” Bill took another sip of his beer, looking at her. “Everyone is surmising that it was set to cover Treyson’s murder and not part of the arsonist’s fires.”

She shrugged. “I figure the arson detectives will get that all sorted.”

Sandy turned back to their conversation. “Yes, well it was one of the arson detectives that broke your arm!”

“What?” Rory and Blay exclaimed in unison.

Having just taken a sip, Harper choked as the liquid slipped down the wrong way. Bill pounded her on the back, which only made her sputter more. Finally gaining control of herself, she wiped her watery eyes. “Sandy! You know good and well that no one broke my arm.” She looked at the others and offered an explanation. “I just happened to be at the fire site, and one of the arson detectives startled me. When I fell over, I broke my arm.”

“Damn!” Blay’s gaze dropped from her face to her arm.

Continuing to shake her head, she shrugged. “Detective McBride felt really bad. He even took me to the ER and then back to my car.”

A sound that resembled Smokey hacking up a fur ball came from beside her, and she jerked around to see Blay and Rory attempting to hold back laughter. They were unsuccessful and soon gave in to their howls. Harper looked between Sandy and Bill, but both seemed as confused as she.

Finally gaining control of himself, Rory said, “Perhaps I should’ve introduced myself fully. I’m Rory McBride. My oldest brother is Detective Sean McBride.”

Still laughing, Blay added, “I would’ve never thought Sean would have had such a disastrous introduction to someone.”

Mortified that she was in the presence of Sean’s brother, she was incensed that they were laughing at him. “It wasn’t his fault!

Rory threw his hands up, palms forward. “I’m sorry, really I am. It’s just my oldest brother is always correct in everything he does. He prides himself on being responsible. Sometimes it’s a little hard for the rest of us to live up to his standards.” He placed his hand on her shoulder and gave a little squeeze. “But you’re right, I have no doubt he felt horrible about this.”

Before she had a chance to reply, he glanced at his phone. “I hate to drink and run, but I’ve got to go.”

Sandy cocked her head to the side and lifted an eyebrow. “Hot date?”

Grinning, he winked. “More like a hot meal with my mom and dad.” When she beamed her smile at him again, they shared phone numbers before he moved into the crowd and left.

Blay’s attention was diverted by some of the other firefighters, and Harper looked back to her two friends. “Of all the people, in all the world, in all the bars, I have to run into Detective McBride’s brother.”

“Maybe it’s fate,” Sandy said, tapping her manicured forefinger on her chin.

“More like just another chance for me to put my foot in my mouth!”

While Sandy finished her drink and flirted with Torin, Harper and Bill chatted about the fires in the area. Soon the three walked out into the cool night air. Coming to Sandy’s car first, they hugged her goodbye and watched as she drove down the road. Bill threw his arm around Harper as they continued down the sidewalk toward her car.

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